Ireland's health service

How can it be lower end if there is no spectrum?

Yep, I guess whatever they might enjoy they should play

Same with all kids


I get them working very well in groups. Shows your lack of knowledge of what I do

I am starting to really think itā€™s the coaching and military type approach to sport that is the problem.

I let the kids set up alot of their in obstacle courses and create games.

Created Swiss Ball rugby yesterday. Autistic, Aspergers and regular (wrong word I know) all workin together. But essentially it happened by accident.

No instruction just encouragement

Iā€™ve a kid with autism. It took a long time and several assessments. It was fairly obvious but there wasnā€™t much educational provision until it was confirmed. Iā€™m up north, hence the question re. GPS.
A family member managed a citizens advice /community centre in Belfast. Apparently thereā€™s an industry in getting kids diagnosed with something or otherā€¦disability living allowances, free transport, food vouchers etc etc.


Considered. Thatā€™s the language used. I think itā€™s bullshit

And worse down here

But I also believe some oarents use it to excuse absentia and generally letting the little fuckers away with murder for too long

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I sincerely wish the best for your kid and that the symptoms are not too severe.

Iā€™m in the US and we see an awful lot of what you describe with personality disorders, itā€™s insane how many kids are on medication for essentially behavioral issues. Anyone seeking an autism diagnosis for their kid though for their own gain should have their kids taken off them.


Thanks mate. He changed school, heā€™s getting the help he needs and the progress is far more than I hoped for.
My own father was having none of the autism business. He said the kid was just a bit odd like his father!


@caoimhaoin is a wonderful poster and person, Iā€™d say. Itā€™s the Cork in him that letā€™s him down. I wouldnā€™t change that either.

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@caoimhaoin ?


Best of luck to you all, pal. What age is the chap?

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Just turned 8 on Monday


Ypu are so naive itā€™s inbelievable

fair play glenshane and i wish you well
at what age did ye realise that the child was authistic?
was there any warning signs all along now that you look back on ?

No. Many of these kids are the opposite.

They can be unbelievably manipulative

They are generally the ones who are clearly not under any condition. Some osychologists would tell you the most unbelievable stuff that they try and pull for special attention. Including admitting looking up symptoms of autism and such conditions to learn how to work it.

All for attention

FFS- thats your average woman in a nutshell

Actually thatā€™s another curious thing.

Looked it up recently. 4 to 1 males to females come under the diagnosis of autistic.

I do not know why that is.

Maybe their attention seeking is more accepted

One of the teachers at nursery/kindergarten picked up on it. He was slow to talk and a little late in walking. I couldnā€™t see it myself until a year or so later. Thereā€™s a list of small things but delayed speech, very poor results /scores in school, very clingy, unusual accent, hyper sensitivity to touch, his coordination is a bit off- everything is a bit deliberate and clumsy. etc etc.
Strangely enough he knew all his shapes at 3ā€¦he could tell an octagon from a hexagon!

All in all heā€™s grand, heā€™s happy for the most part, though heā€™s starting to realise heā€™s a bit different from most of his peers.
Weā€™re very lucky to have him and heā€™ll be fine.


They dont really know why this is. Some feel it is just under reported in girls because they can betrer mask symptoms. Others think its a genetic issue and they are less likely to inherit the genes related to autism

Strength training and inclusion.

Thatā€™s what I see works best.

If you had the space and money a monkey bar type area with landing pit and whatever out the back might be good.

And if you involve yourself in making are an ass of yourself on it too it would maybe encourage.

The motor skills take work but neuromuscularly strength training will be the key to coordination.

Think of it as hardwiring