Ireland's health service

You’ve an awful horn for dodgy, give it a rest you fucking creepy cunt.

The hundreds of posts per day on here don’t hide the sad, sheltered, miserable life you’re clearly living kid.


Himself and Reid on over 600k between them and all they can do is appoint a lead to investigate the beacon

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You wouldn’t mind if there was goin to be some consequences, but it’ll be a total white wash.

Sure that would be work for them. Imagine being accountable for your work

What’s to investigate? The usual fudge to move things along and let people forget.

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That’s outrageous carry on. I’d be tempted to go in and wreck the place if I were you. Cunts.

Exactly. Just what the public will get. Nothing happened with the Coombe. Nothing will happen here. Its probably going on in every hospital in ireland

Fucking useless cunts. Are they giving any reason as to why it’s been cancelled?

The south Dublin set would have the old rugby mantra of “use it or lose it “

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Wow, that’s a fierce temper you have, maybe stay home tonight.

Weak stuff kid,

Probably one of your best posts today though out of 100 odd.

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It was a stomper that one, would you stop. I predict it will give a nice post at the very least.

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Brother in law has done a tour of all the hospitals. Not a man to give out but he was scathing about that hospital.

Hope your mum is ok @Batigol.

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I hope your aren’t in a job that involves counting :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:



Safe enough on that one.

Little fella arrived in the first wave. There was a minor issue with him and he had to be kept in the hospital. Thankfully he’s grand now.

But It was absolutely fucking torture not being allowed to be near him for that time period. I was allowed stick around for an hour after he was born and was then told to clear off.

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Brilliant news. Let’s pray they scanned the right bits.

Here’s hoping. Only took a week

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