Irish People Poppy Watch

the war mongering argies werenā€™t long caving in

Who they are now fucking over with brexit

Thereā€™s the problem right there Overseas territory. It was never yours to interfere with in the first place. Wear a poppy for lads that fought off the coast of Argentina, ffs :laughing: Yeā€™re a gas crowd the Brits, crying over Tommy who was blown to bits half way across the world!

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The Brits were bailed out by the Yanks in 1917. Fritz was winning the war up to then. The Yanks made an economic decision.

The Russians won WW2. Tommy landed on to Normandy when the show was over ffs.

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Surprise, surprise to see the Pretend IRA rowing in behind Galtieri and the Argentinian military dictatorship. Their policy of Forced Disappearances will get their mark of approval anyway. Jean McConville on a grand scale.

Bit like your grandfather disappeared when the Brits were looking for soldiers.


They could have gone down the Amritsar route I suppose, like the Brits. That was classy stuff.

Geoff was typing an answer but heā€™s gone away furiously googling Amritsar

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Heā€™s going backwards quicker than Bertie from Pontefract was at Dunkirk, innit

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Figured out your incestuous Cicero family tree yet?

Rattled stage 7.

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Heā€™s all over the place, bit like the Para 1s at the Narrow Water

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The horsey set are intrinsically connected to the idea of West Britishness. They all want to be English. Shower of cunts.

Alas, not many see the contradiction in their devotion to the Baron of Martinstown and their souptaking antics of the past.

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Youā€™d prefer if all Irish men remained dog poor now that weā€™ve got independence? Bizzare stuff.

A fucking dwarf he posts up :smile:

Is this over now for another 11 months?

Horse Racing? Sadly not.