Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

The likes of Iceland are nothing special on paper either and they’ve been qualifying for tournaments lately. The North are even more limited than us and have been knocking on the door for tournaments. Average teams can do well in International football with a resolute defence akin to Greece at Euro 2004.


But yes we’re shit enough.

We lost to Finland

We won the possession stats AGAIN

You could of course argue goals are the only stats that matter

That’s it even the great Spain side of 08 to 12 played a very boring version of the Barcelona style. They’d two holding midfielders in many games. If you aren’t good at the back in international football you have no chance.

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if we played against a team with real pace up front and the defense was that disorganised we’d ship an absolute skip of goals. Hendrick turning it over high up, Doherty and Stevens pushed on around the midfield and Duffy and Egan high up the pitch. Jesus we’d be battered.

That’s it. It’s easier become organised at the back than create a fluid attack. What Kenny is doing is madness. He has very little time with these players.

Reminscent of early Brendan Rodgers imposing a high line and possession style on backs to the wall defenders like Skrtel and Carragher. Destroyed 3-0 by a Shane Long inspired West Brom and in the next game Skrtel pivots on the half way line and plays a perfect through ball to Carlos Tevez to score for City.

It’s a bit chicken and egg as well. The defence is set up to play possession football, so they play a few passes, push up, the ball goes into midfield, might get to the front 3, then it’s coming straight back. So they’re fucked. Better ball retention will lead to better defence. Like Guardiola teams, they don’t defend, they just keep the ball. Unfortunately Kenny has Hendrick and Hourihane while Guardiola has De Bruyne and Bernardo Silva :smiley:

it’s a paradigm shift. It’ll take time and courage.

There doesn’t seem too much of any of it around, lads calling for hoof ball again already

I love the new Irish manager. I love Mick but truth be told he’s just a man. A true Irishman was needed so much. I know Mick is an Irishman but let’s see what this new man has about him. This could be a new departure for Irish soccer. God bless their legs etc etc

were you on the nose beers already today lad?

I don’t know why you imply this undercurrent aspersion mate. This is my default and I’m certainly not ashamed of it.

a simple yes/no would have done. You’ve nothing to be ashamed of. You’re like a blast of febreeze through the place on your infrequent visits

I like you mate. I like your directness. When you’re red pilled I think we could be great e-pals.

Footix alert

Just comparing Ireland and Finland there.

Similar population, football not the only popular sport, leagues with feck all impact on the European Stage.

Should we really be that surprised?

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SRFC just smashed the best of the Finnishn league mate

At least Arter showed grit and pride