Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) šŸ

i think kenny should be given time- at least this campaign to build his own team
we have utterly shit footballers, jack byrne aside and he is trying to get us to play ball
nowā€¦this may be a fools errand but he should be allowed to try to get a team playing - if it dosent work wellā€¦ weā€™re not going to qualify via hoofball either


Utter tosh - international football is about results . There is a cadre of trendy Irish soccer journalists who are obsessed with ā€œplaying the right way ā€œ


Tom Humperies and Eamon Sweeney are the only Irish sport journalists worth reading or in the past at least.

The rest of them are fellas who should be reporting for the dublin gazette

Well one of your own was the greatest Irish player since Paul McGrath, which drives a few lads here demented

Is the Humphries the gga guy ?

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Last game, home to Bulgaria, and they playing shit and not creating anything and Kenny didnā€™t make a sub until the last 10-15 minutes or so. Gave Byrne three or four minutes at the end then, even though he was fresh having not been used in England or Wales earlier in that meet up. Kenny seems like a right weirdo.

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He is a cunt

Rumour is that he was.locked out of the rovers dreasing room by the players during one game

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ā€œHis own manā€ , " a thinking man"


he wrote on all manner of things , now obviously had a, ahem questionable personal life to say the least . was a fantastic writer

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The Stephen Ireland foundation doing great work i see to the tune of half a million euro :clap:

Tom the horrible cunt was a great writer and did alot of stuff with Keane esp the saipan shite. still its awful shit what he was and did

oh jesus - the bastard should have been strung up
as a journo tho he was superb- after he got banged up you had the " when we were covering the olympics he never came to the bar - was up writing pages on Seoul" - now he may have been up to something else but like sweeney he didnt hang around with the cunts ā€¦

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there is much more of that shit in that the brits have covered up, Eg maggie thatcher/jimmy saville

I dunno lads is there much Kenny can do.

When he took over I thought there was the bones of a decent team there. Stevens, Egan, Duffy, Coleman, Doherty, McCarthy, Hendrick, Hourihane, Connolly, Parrott, Obafemi, Robinson

Then a few more like Browne, Brady, Molumphy, Oā€™Shea, Idah

But since then Duffys form has fallen off a cliff and he was the rock the team was built on
Stevens and Egan are playing in the worst back 3/5 in the EPL
Coleman was doing okay this season to be fair until he got injured but heā€™s pushing on now and the yard of pace is gone
Doherty is in and out with Spurs and doesnā€™t seem capable of playing in a back four anyway.
Our best hope here is Oā€™Shea I think and going with a 3-5-2 but Duffy looks like heā€™d struggle if there was six at the back at the moment.

Then McCarthy canā€™t get a game at palace. Hendrick is Hendrick and looks like heā€™ll never kick on at this stage.
Hourihane canā€™t get a game at Villa and I donā€™t know where youā€™d put him really because he offers fuck all apart from set pieces, and at that his set pieces for us have been atrocious.
It mystifies me Browne isnā€™t the first name on the team sheet in midfield. Heā€™s looked the most competent by far.
Worryingly molumby seems to have stalled.
Burnley seem to have kicked all the football out of Brady sadly.

Connolly looks a nice player and heā€™s young so hopefully heā€™ll kick on. But he doesnā€™t look like heā€™s going to solve our goals problem.
Obafemi is gone off the radar altogether at Southampton.
Parrott looks like heā€™s going the Anthony Stokes career route.
Robinson looks okay at times but he wonā€™t score you goals either.
Idah canā€™t get a game in the championship.

In summary shocking at the back, nothing in midfield and no striker.
Kenny has maybe two days with these lads before games. Iā€™m not sure what he could feasibly do.

He could play Browne and a 3-5-2 for a start I guess


nothing at the moment. at least in 2002 we had a couple of savage players (duff, robbie keane Finnan) and some decant players playing at a decant level in Englandā€¦ and dont talk If Roy keane was thereā€¦That was the greatest chance of getting to a world cup final with the way the draw was we will never have that chance again. and weve had better teams

Apparently Browne is in very poor club form at the moment :persevere:

Bring back big mick

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What the fuck has 2002 to do with anything?


tom humphries I think