Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) šŸ

Absolutely zero problem with him declaring for Nigeria weā€™ll lose a few lads this way poles etc Iā€™d say. They are no different to the Alan McLoughlin Gary breen types brought up here in strongly Nigerian/polish families. Declaring for England would seem very strange though. Surely he doesnā€™t qualify by virtue of living there or the likes of Germany Spain and england could just clean up with loads of top players coming to their clubs as young teenagers.


One of his parents may be English.
We canā€™t complain about others benefitting from the parents/grandparents rule.

At least most of his development has been in the UK and there hasnā€™t been a fortune spent on him by clubs here

If one of his parents is English fair enough. Sure that was the main point of my post.
Until we get a few Nigerian irish lads established in the team as something for those lads to look up to its always gonna be precarious. Itā€™s a chicken and egg scenario though

You replied too quick - i put in a bit after in an edit :smiley:

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Odubeko is of Nigerian descent and so could choose to declare for the Super Eagles later in his career. Heā€™s also eligible to declare for England as heā€™s lived there for more than five years.

itā€™s 5 years after the age of 18 though?

Are you sure? He has left himself in a crap situation if that is the case. If he declared for Nigeria fair enough. I know he is young but he didnā€™t look half lazy the night at Old Trafford when making his debut.

i think thatā€™s the rule anyway. I could be wrong of course.

Iā€™m quoting an article there. Not 100% sure of the rule myself. Probably how these Brazilians end up representing the likes of Qatar. FIFA were looking to clamp down in naturalised players

Easy, big Ron

I would never have made the correlation and not a nice one my man. I was just thinking you would burst a gut on your debut, he seemed cool as a breeze.

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he is making his choices here from a business perspective , the involvement of the agent clarifies that.
Playing for the ROI or Nigeria will not enhance his value in any sense, ROI caps are worth nothing in terms of added value to a player as the association are desperate to recruit and playing in Group C of the Nations league isnt exactly box office,
Getting capped by an African nation also is not exactly something that EPL and major European clubs favour due to the bi annual ANCā€¦ Libya capped Gadaffi Zayed FFS, where did that get him ?

So, for the player, club and agent an England cap is where its at, he may never get that BUT even if he dosent playing for the likes of the ROI can not in any way in the curent environment have any added value to his career as the club and him simply dont need the hassle and risk of injury

now, unless he cares deeply about ireland or nigeria IMHO if he couldnt be half arsed as he knows he is in a good spot with WHU heā€™d need his head examined to play with eitherā€¦ and thats his choice- fellas should want to play for their country, if they are second guessing it with a fucking agent, the fai need to just hang up the phone

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In order to qualify for naturalization, you must meet the following criteria:

You have been a permanent resident for at least five years.

The John Barnes rule

Iā€™d only expect more and more players to be pressured by clubs and their agents to be picky over their international careers, shame really but its the power of them bastards

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100% its awful
i love international football , its the only thing left tbh and Ireland are the only team I actually support.
UEFA are absolutely fucking it up also , moving around all the qualifiers to render them almost meaningless and adding in this nations league nonsense, the buzz of a big tournament is still class tho
jesus look at macedonia now- playing in the euros next week, ill probably end up supporting them for the week- at least its a squad of honest lads going for it


And likely to have a sending
Off in each game :flushed:

Not exactly looking like a good crop of under 21s based on this game out in Marbella.

I heard this Spock lad on the radio earlier. Heā€™s an utter bluffer/spoofer.
He was stuttering on about systems (451, 343, 3512 etc) I hadnā€™t a clue what the cunt was trying to say and he wasnā€™t a whole lot smarter himself either. ā€œTrying to get lads to understand the systemā€ and similar shite.

Iā€™m convinced this lad is on the road to nowhere, Iā€™d say he doesnā€™t even believe himself.


At least with a straight talker like Roddy Collins youā€™d know exactly what he was trying to say.