Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) šŸ

He was playing msl 10 years ago. Not like he was a superstar kid. Heā€™s came up the hard road and is only getting a game because we are the weakest weā€™ve been in my lifetime.

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He looks very reluctant to go and receive a pass from a full back or centre back in his own half. Like he doesnā€™t want the responsibility or something.

He is actually pretty good technically, but might not have either the craft or the know how. He is supposed to have played well in the Championship since January, possibly more comfortable in his duties at that level.

Could he maybe move to a position off the striker, or as a number 8 with little responsibility to initiate play with Ireland?


Very nasty post on a great day for Irish football, our first victory in a senior football match for years.

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Sidney took it in the spirit it was intended you wipe

The response I gave was also true. In that I actually am on meds right now. Day 1 of a scheduled 5 day course. I must take them soon for the night actually. The Tramadol and the Difene gave me a strangely euphoric, semi-out of it feeling during the second half of the match.


So I was right

Fuck you @Tank you nosey nordie prick

I know the english championship is a poor league that doesnā€™t exactly facilitate the technical development of a player but he was outstanding for Barnsely maybe 2014-16 , didnt Villa buy him as part of one of their promotion efforts? dead balls and defence splitters were his featuresā€¦ i remember there v switzerland in sept 2019 he was clean thru and scuffed one to Sommerā€¦ then that miss in Bratislavaā€¦ confidence as @Cheasty said looks shot

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Did you have an epiphany? Is Troy the boy really the chosen one to lead us to glory?

we dont have a say in the matter as there are no alternatives
Im saying YES regarding question 2


Collins is a deplorable player tho, along with Curtis he is devoid of any footballing abilityā€¦ we are where we are tho

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Agree, he has a good shot and an eye for a pass/delivery. Hopefully they can figure what works with him as he can definitely add something.

Is it worth chancing Doherty in midfield? He is doing absolutely nothing out wide, completely opting out. Was waiting all night for him to go at the fullback, who he should be able for physically, but he never did.

Curtis is one of the biggest shapers to Iā€™ve ever seen play for Ireland. What Kenny must have thought when he slowed up into that shot at the empty net.

He is nowhere near as good as he thinks he is.

In fairness Connolly and Robinson will be starting when available instead of those two, the former is at a crucial point already with regards where he goes from here as his form has rapidly dropped off while the latter is a very important player for us to creating scoring chances.

he looked backwards all the time when receiving a pass.
I think Spurs have destroyed him, Nuno had him flying in a 352, Mourinho tried to turn him into a very defensive RFB in a 442 and he dosent know where he is i think

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No. I was doing piss poor irony, trying to make fun of what looked set to be a nadir for Irish football. In truth I think Spock is hopelessly out of his depth and I thought we stood a genuine chance of losing, or at least not winning, even before Andorra went in front. I think some of the players were half trying to get Spock sacked, but when Andorra went in front the embarrassment factor became too much for them and they decided to they had to win. Iā€™m glad for Kenny that he at least wonā€™t now become the answer to a wacky table quiz question, heā€™s a harmless fella, but heā€™s deluded about what can be done at international level in terms of style when you have virtually no time to drill tactics into a team, heā€™s totally out of his depth with a team who are totally out of their depth in terms of qualifying groups for major finals.


Hourihane scored in a couple of his early games with Swansea in January but his form/influence seemed to wane completely over time. My monitoring of the Live Score app {Championship->Match->Line-Ups} for Swansea games often saw him hooked early in matches and that happened again in the play-off final. Good ball in for Parrottā€™s header this evening, but heā€™s not assertive or generally good enough really. But itā€™s part of a wider malaise really.

robinson is a grand old player tho- bit of life to him at least
I think Connolly could be done tbhā€¦ there is a killian sheridan element to him, but instead of APOEL and ironi kiryat shmona itā€™ll be Walsall and Nuneaton Boro for Connolly i think


He seems to need lads to play off, little one twos and combinations, the Portugeuse lads at wolves gave him that in spades. He probably lacks a yard of pace/power too but he does look pretty broken at the moment. His body language has never been the best, but it is awful when he plays for Ireland especially.

very good footballer though, Jose seemed to completely take against him.

Itā€™s a strange one because heā€™s obviously worked very hard to get to his level from a low beginning but at the same time hasnā€™t at any point bothered to train to kick the ball off his right foot and doesnā€™t seem to want to run either on the pitch

When youā€™re playing out of your comfort zone itā€™s easier play hide and seek.

Myriads of professional footballers canā€™t kick with their weak foot. Itā€™s an embarrassment