Irish Travellers - A Proud Ethnic Group

Could well be tasty bites in the Travellers Hollywood(Rathkeale)

Iā€™m 50/50 on travelers. Iā€™m the type who can get along with anybody and never prejudge a person. I find it good policy to take people as I find them. Some of the stories youā€™de here though would you wonder are they genuine or are completely running rings around the people.
In the long run for the betterment of the overall community here in this country I would suggest government and the settled community reexamine our prejudices and reach out the friendly hand. Society can do without the undercurrent of dis-ease. Very complex matters where an evenhanded mellow and mature farsighted approach needs to be taken.
That said the only time I ever hear about travelers is through the media. The media must tick their boxes.

Iā€™d say itā€™s Tasty Bites in Rathkeale. They look like Rathkealers anyways.

[QUOTE=ā€œPeter G, post: 1097440, member: 1758ā€]Iā€™m 50/50 on travelers. Iā€™m the type who can get along with anybody and never prejudge a person. I find it good policy to take people as I find them. Some of the stories youā€™de here though would you wonder are they genuine or are completely running rings around the people.
In the long run for the betterment of the overall community here in this country I would suggest government and the settled community reexamine our prejudices and reach out the friendly hand. Society can do without the undercurrent of dis-ease. Very complex matters where an evenhanded mellow and mature farsighted approach needs to be taken.
That said the only time I ever hear about travelers is through the media. The media must tick their boxes.[/QUOTE]
Weird observation Petey. :smiley:

Whatā€™s weird about it har?

All of it. Travellers as a whole are quite simply, 1% alright sorts & 99% cunts.

ok har that is your opinion. Itā€™s a bleak and rather thick opinion but I wouldnā€™t say weird is the word Iā€™d use to describe it. Are you still full bore on the weed theses days har?

Itā€™s an opinion based on my interactions with various makes & models of the fuckers.
The weed situ is bleak, quality supply is non existent so i am clean 5 weeks now. :frowning:

[QUOTE=ā€œcarryharry, post: 1097454, member: 1517ā€]Itā€™s an opinion based on my interactions with various makes & models of the fuckers.
The weed situ is bleak, quality supply is non existent so i am clean 5 weeks now. :([/QUOTE]

As I said I only hear about traveler issues through the media so your frequent first hand experience has molded your opinion.

Great to hear you kicked the blow. Iā€™m off the fags three weeks myself. A change of avatar on the cards for you har maybe?

[QUOTE=ā€œPeter G, post: 1097456, member: 1758ā€]As I said I only hear about traveler issues through the media so your frequent first hand experience has molded your opinion.

Great to hear you kicked the blow. Iā€™m off the fags three weeks myself. A change of avatar on the cards for you har maybe?[/QUOTE]
Like fuck am i off it. As soon as Howard gets a Grade A load in i will be happily hazed again. Why would someone ever give up natures delicious givings?

Sorry mate:oops:. Plough on.

It really is a beautiful culture they have. What the fuck were they arguing about anyway. Fucking scatterbrains.

The days of finding an alright tinker are pretty much long gone. There used to be an aul buck around Laois whoā€™d walk or cycle the roads year in year out when I was very young. His name escapes me now, but I think it was Lukey Wall or something like that. Heā€™d always be calling into houses, folks would give him a cup of tea and a bite to eat, heā€™d do a bit of mending of tin etc. He was a proper tinker, actually had a bit of a craft to him, as harmless and decent a buck as youā€™d find, he was welcome at any door in the land and is still remembered warmly around the place.

Not like the cunts going around nowadays, expecting handouts and going screaming to Pavee Point one minute, and terrorising and robbing auld folks living along the next. The 1% is getting smaller and smaller.

Youā€™re spot on with the name. Lukey Wall was a harmless oul divil.

Any comment from Pavee Point? Will be interesting what positive spin they put on this.

Mary Collins with the hairy face :smiley:

I think I lost a day laughing at that.

When our little fella was in Hospital last year, we met a traveller family in the ICU waiting room. They had a young Teenage son who had spent large periods of his life in and out of ICU/Hospitals. It was quite clear that he had a tough life but they had a great faith and family bond. His Mum was in the waiting room with her two sisters. It latter transpired that her sister had a couple of children many years ago with the exact same condition as our little fella.

We knew that it had been a common condition in the Traveller community given that it is an auto recessive condition. One of the Aunts went down to their vans to get the memorial cards and they were the image of our little fella. We met them just about everyday at the hospital. They always inquired about her fella and we did likewise. When things were very bad for our lad, they gave us a prayer used in the Traveller community.

They were one of the nicest and finest families I have met. I often think about them.


Six months on from rupturing his achilles tendon Samson Lee has been selected in the Wales squad for the Rugby World Cup. I believe heā€™s in line to be the first traveller to play in the Rugby World Cup.