Pegida in Dublin

Continue to avoid the question. :rollseyes:

If you read my earlier posts you would see i have no interest in that crowd spouting bile. I also have no interest in crusty cunts taking the law into their hands.

You seem okay with opposing the rule of the land. The term ‘’ pot kettle ‘’ describes your attitude to this debate best.

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You’ve been given ample oppurtunity to state that you don’t want religion to have influence over state laws.

You’ve failed to do so, so now resort to lies which are as boring as they are untrue.

You are beyond rattled, Sid. Quite unedifying really & sad.

How many years ago is that - 80?

You can do better than that.

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Where was that heading @Sidney? I didn’t see the relevance

Were you tricking me into saying the church should be running the country or something, what was your angle? Like the good old days ye?

You’re not averse to spouting a bit of racist bile yourself.

Leave this person and come over to the super bowl thread. :+1:

On the Internet.
Have you proof of my good self taking the law into my hands & going after the bad travellers?

Will you go off searching for my past posts everytime i ask you an unpalatable question?

The unpalatable questions are undoubtedly the ones on your plate.

You’ve squarely defended the right of neo-Nazis to assemble and cause havoc. That’s what they assemble to do. You still seem to be under the fantastical impression that this was a “peaceful gathering” and haven’t addressed this at all.

Can I sell you a used car?

Can I ask you why you’re so passionate about defending the rights of neo-Nazis to cause trouble?

I didn’t say you did took the law into your own hands against Travellers. I said that you’re not averse to spouting racist bile against them, which undoubtedly is the case.

Jesus 80 posts of Sid and Matty making fools of the fucktards, poor old @balbec and @carryharry backed the wrong horse this evening :sweat_smile:

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I have not, Sid. I have said on numerous occasions i would not favour their cause.

What you simply cannot seem to answer is whether it was okay for a bunch of their opponents to take the law into their own hands. Yet, scream & whine about Gardai doing their jobs. You can’t have it both ways.

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Ah yeah, I’d love to be on the same side of an argument as Sid alright.

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These lads are having a rally in limerick this month… kick off tbc. I presume HBV, Tosspotti and the other fool will all be out in support?

Who is “the other fool” i’d like to meet him?

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:smile: will the sfira and the AAA lads be out with the balaclava s again looking to get the shit kicked of themselves?

Liberals are trampling on free speech

People before Profit and the AAA will have a busy month with Donald arriving in two weeks.

Will i see you down there, at the march?