Irish Travellers - A Proud Ethnic Group

I see you’ve found your latest cause celebre

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Why is that? Is that because I haven’t got into line with the rest of you bleeding hearts and abused the residents and called them nazi’s and racists, all because they stood up to the council. The problem here is the council and people like yourself and media jumping up and down playing the race card, calling every bigots and nazi’s because they actually support the residents stance against what the council is doing. What the council have done is wrong and they fucking know it.

The local residents and theit gga club are an absolute disgrace.

Wrong. Bigotry involves an irrational intolerance. Nothing in @tazdedub’s posts suggest that. In fact, it’s all quite rational really. Put the high-horse aside and do the Christian thing if you feel so aggrieved.

@glasagusban Genuine question pal - how do you react / respond when you see homeless people? Do you stop to ask them how they’re getting on and if there’s anything you can do to help?

It is irrational. Taz has a dislike of travellers and considers them sub-human. He said above that the locals should get a man who famously killed a traveller to assist in their campaign. It’s a frankly disgusting comment and would probably qualify as hate speech. These are people whose family were just killed in a tragedy.

It’s sickening the level of prejudice and lack of any compassion shown.

What does that have to do with a group of horrible fuckers having zero compassion for a group of fellow Irish who just suffered a horrific tragedy? And that intolerance is based solely on race. Its a stupid fucking question and has nothing to do with the topics at hand.

The answer anyway would be it depends. I can’t always give to people as I can’t afford it, I obviously don’t always stop as I don’t have time. I don’t like to give cash for obvious reasons. I occasionally have gone and bought a sandwich or coffee when asked, and have sat with a lad while he ate it too. I also once paid for a hostel for a guy for the night by calling the hostel directly.

I can’t personally help everyone and I don’t feel obliged to. Whether I do or I don’t gives me no less standing to call out bigots for what they are. Funny enough they get very defensive when confronted with how pathetic they are.

The air must be thin up there on your high horse. You would want to come down before you loose your last remaining brain cell.

I never said travellers were sub human. I did say that residents should get nally in to support them.

My beef is not with the travellers but with the behaviour of the council trying to railroad this through and their treatment of the residents as sun human like they have no say in what happens in their area. Also what the council are doing doesn’t make sense, why wasre money on a temporary halting site and instead build the people a proper permanent halting site? Like they were supposed to do 8 or so years ago.

But you rant away there on your high horse.

If the council put them up in a hotel people would still be complaining.

Would they? I don’t think so. Thsee families would be treated the same as every other homeless family in the state.

I can’t believe I am saying this but even Enda Kenny has said there and procedures and processes to deal with this and the residents should have been consulted.

The council are only doing this because it is away to cover up there own failing in the last 8 years to get a permanent halting site for these people and are using this tragedy to get another halting site set up and trample over peoples rights.

That’s a good question and one which he may struggle to answer.

Perhaps he will see the hypocrisy of his stance on this issue.

you are linking the fight for basic human rights by those settled folk in that estate to the deaths of those 10 people which is a disgusting and self serving thing to do. you are a disturbing little sneaky jobsworth fucker who is using these deaths to further your pathetic little online campaign to argue for traveller rights. sickening but no suprise but marks you down as a weasel of epic proportions. id love to kick my size 11s up your hole.

unfortunately 10 people have died. thats awful. but why on gods earth do one small community who have fuck all to do with this situation have to surrender their basic human right to due process just because someone working for the state has decided that railroading over a randomly chosen minority is the best way to make this awful situation better?
and these poor fuckers who just happened to be living somewhere random all their lives wake up and because they decide to request decency and due process are labelled cunts and racists and nazis for standing up for themselves?

where is the queue forming to house these people in their own community? its fucking not. nobody want them next door. not me and not even you, you sniveling little two faced cunt.

christ but your understanding of reality and fairness and balance is shockingly childish and naive. stick to saving the whales and that tortoise you are always on about you little fucking snake because this is a real issue with real peoples lives being walked all over. its serious business and you have no business getting involverd in it


Careful pal. You’re straying into “bigotry” here. It’s an intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself, and you’re setting your stall out quite clearly.

As for my question, it has everything to do with it. I was asking that “stupid fucking question” to determine if you’re being blinded by the ‘tragedy’ aspect of what happened in Carrickmines, and as it happens you are.

They’re the same race as us, whether or not you like it. Most people’s aversion to having a halting site next to them is borne out of the poor condition most of them are kept in. I don’t have a hatred for travellers, but I wouldn’t want a halting site next to me on environmental and public health grounds.

Well done for stopping - most people don’t. But, when you make the time you find many if not all of the homeless people have been put on that path based on tragedy of one form or another. And, before you go there, there’s probably a percentage of Ireland’s homeless that are in that situation due to a house burning down with loved ones in it.

My point stands - are the local authorities rounding them up and getting them into emergency accommodation? Are they fuck! They’re left to be robbed and raped in shelters, or to inject themselves on the side of the street. A far bigger fucking problem than the one in Carrickmines, which understandably has caught the public’s attention in a big way.

I’m 100% for getting a solution for the affected families, but they shouldn’t get to jump queues and due process (however infuriatingly slow it is) just because they’re in a minority. That would be irrational!

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The gas part is, a load of knackers took residence on the road around Trvors parents farm outside Nenagh a few years ago and robbed all before them basically terrorising his folks.
Just shows the calibre of the man that despite this experience he can find it in his heart to be disgusted by the residents stance. :confused:

Rugby stars’ parents forced to flee home

By Peter Gleeson

The parents of two Irish rugby stars have been forced to flee their home outside Nenagh due to the torment they have suffered from an encampment of Travellers.

Michael and Nancy Hogan, parents of Ireland and Leinster rugby player Trevor Hogan and former Connacht and Bristol star Ray Hogan, have left their home in Knockalton for a few days to get away from a group of Travellers who have set up camp close to their home.

“The Travellers are using our farm shed as their own personal toilet. There is human excrement everywhere. Animals would not do it; it’s total disregard and disrespect,” a fuming Ray Hogan told The Guardian this week.

“I brought the gardai to the place and they couldn’t believe it. I brought out the local councillor Hughie McGrath and he was shocked,” said Mr Hogan.
His parents, who are both in their 70s, were in an intolerable situation. So much so that they have left their home for a few days break in Dublin in the hope that the Travellers will be gone when they return.

Mr Hogan said the situation was very stressful on his parents and a neighbouring family who also had to deal with the filth and dirt and intimidation.
“My parents are good living people who paid their taxes all their lives. My mother rang the gardai crying. The Travellers do not care. What have they contributed to society?” asked Mr Hogan.

The situation in Knockalton, where over 10 caravans are parked, was also criticised by councillors attending the first ever meeting of the new Nenagh Electoral Area Committee in Borrisokane on Monday. Committee Chairman Ger Darcy said barriers had been removed and Travellers were using a site close to roadworks on the new M7 being developed in the area. “What’s going on there is a disgrace,” he said.

He added: “Sooner or later people are going to take the law into their own hands. People are at boiling point and I am afraid that someone is going to decide that the powers-that-be seem to do nothing and that somebody is going to do something outside the law.”

Councillor Hughie McGrath said the Travellers were parking vans and cars on a local roundabout and blocking traffic flows in the area.
“They [the Travellers] are after taking over the whole place. They don’t seem to respect other people’s culture. They have terrorised a family up there. They have been defecating in a farmyard and leaving it all over the place,” said an angry Councillor Seamus Morris.

Nenagh Area Manager Marcus O’ Connor said the site on which the Travellers were parked was the technically owned by Bothar Hibernian as that company were the current contractors on the new roadway.

Sergeant Pat Curran of Nenagh Garda Station said he and other gardai visited the site on Tuesday morning and served notices on individuals to leave the site.
He said it was pointed out to the individuals that they were parking on private property. The sergeant added that prosecutions would be served this Wednesday if the Travellers had not departed the locality.

North Tipperary Council Council Director Paddy Heffernan said that under law the council could not move on Travellers from the roadside unless it had a vacancy for them in a halting site within five miles of their encampment. He pointed out that there was currently no vacancy in the nearest halting site in Nenagh.

Mr Heffernan said the law did provide for the provision of transient halting sites to accommodate Travellers who visited counties like North Tipperary for short period. However, as far as he was aware, no local authority in the country had as yet provided such facilities.

As The Guardian went to press gardai reported that ther

Didnt take him long to forget his own when he went to the big smoke.

He needs to build his brand. things like this and his flotilla thingy off the coast of Israel help him appeal to the left wingers he needs to be accepted by.

He needs this article flung into his face. The Guards weren’t long being called when there were tinkers literally shitting on his parents doorstep. Did he ask Mammy and Daddy where was their humanity and that they (his parents) were revolting?
Who is he to be telling anyone that they should have a halting site plonked on their doorstep.


Thats a clamping.

Padraig o Laughlin (sinn fein) is on utv Ireland news and he said that “traveller rights are the last great civil rights issue of our time” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It was gays, then Muslim criminal aliens, and now travellers !!!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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