Irish Travellers - A Proud Ethnic Group

The bullying by the not-so-liberal liberals is upping the pressure on those innocent residents of carrickmines.

It’s very easy to have leftist views glas when you havent grown up with or live anywhere near these people.

In my experience the vast majority of travellers can’t be trusted and any right minded community would have massive doubts about a halting site being put in amongst them.

Your heart is in the right place but it’s a deluded one.

How many travellers do you honestly know personally would contribute positively to your estate?



Michael and Nancy Hogans son Ray in 2009 on Michael and Nancy being terrorised by travellers;

“The Travellers are using our farm shed as their own personal toilet. There is human excrement everywhere. Animals would not do it; it’s total disregard and disrespect,” 
“I brought the gardai to the place and they couldn’t believe it. I brought out the local councillor Hughie McGrath and he was shocked,”His parents, who are both in their 70s, were in an intolerable situation. So much so that they have left their home for a few days break in Dublin in the hope that the Travellers will be gone when they return.
“My parents are good living people who paid their taxes all their lives. My mother rang the gardai crying. The Travellers do not care. What have they contributed to society?

Michael and Nancy Hogans son Trevor in 2015

As someone living nearby, I find the residents' actions revolting. Where is their humanity?
Cowards wouldn't even speak on camera to try to defend their racist blockade. #CarrickminesFire

Trevor is a hypocrite of the year contender.

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What a ridiculous act of over indulgence from the council. They’re only there 6 months, what would they need a toilet for?


I think you’re struggling to grasp the concept of a housing shortage.


The issue is a group of people mounting a blockade to prevent temporary shelter for another group of people who just suffered a terrible tragedy, and what you come out with is criticism of all travellers everywhere as a group.

That says a lot.

Tell us about your various interactions with travellers over the years

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You’re some clown all the same, moving from one crusade to the next.

You would not want travellers on your own doorstep whether you’ll admit it or not. If you’re in your semi-d later and look out your window to see an influx of travellers pulling in across from your house and some tinker shitting in your mammies flower bed out the back you won’t be long rounding up the rest of your neighbors and ringing the guards.


What has that got to do with anything? Stop being a stupid cunt.

So what you’re saying is, all travellers shit in flower beds? Is that it?

Thought as much

This is the closest he ever got to a traveller.

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Well they have to shit somewhere. Answer the question truthfully, if the scenario i described above happened on your estate would you be inviting them in for a cup of tea and slice of cake with your mammy or ringing the guards?

Do you actually believe all travellers shit in flower beds or are you just trying to come up with a negative image in general? I don’t know which is more ignorant.

Do they wipe their arses with the begonias as well?

Begonias wouldn’t be great. We used to use dock leaves.


How do halting sites work? Am just curious. If I was to join the traveller community could I just rock up to any halting site with my caravan and set myself up or do I have to complete some paperwork or do I have to be part of an extended family?

Is your wife related to you?

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As if there’d be dock leaves in my mother’s flower bed.