Irish Travellers - A Proud Ethnic Group

you cant just open a ditch into a field one morning and move in the bulldozers and decide to house people there without due process. we are not a third world country.
there are plenty places to house these people without needing to create a new development especially a temporary one.
the background to how these people found themselves homeless should be irrelevant, but if you feel strongly enough to think it is then argue to put them up in a hotel while a solution is found but railroading something like this through without due process and without fair and public consultation is grossly unfair on the residents of this area.
saying that they should have hired terry prone or someone else like that before going in front of the mic but with an hours notice they have been hung out to dry.


Of course after 6 months they will voluntarily leave the site and make sure it is clean and tidy in the manner that they found it.


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Don’t they always?

Can they not be accommodated in houses.

Temporary house and clearly not fit for purpose burns down - let’s build a new temporary house for them.

Even the 3 Little Pigs learned a lesson from the wolf

If any council tenant house burned down council would not turn soil on a new house 24 hours later and would accommodate them in the area in other housing

Real bob geldof stuff

That would be an affront to their culture

Sure i know and

Burning to death isn’t ?

No it’s not. It’s a little group of houses on a cul-de-sac off Glenamuck Road, which itself is just about wide enough for two cars to pass.

There’s a nearby wayside celtic football ground, which would be a far better option.

If your house burned down tomorrow and you had nowhere to go, you’d most likely end up homeless. There is not a snowballs hope in hell that your local authority would circumvent planning process, etc. to fix you up with a place to stay.

Very tragic event, nobody’s arguing that. I’m honest enough to admit that I would not want travellers next to me. Whether I’m right, wrong, or even going to hell for it - that’s where I’m at.


I tend to agree with @mac here but I did a google map search there of the location and what would you know it’s a quiet rural old street of ex council houses and cottages. In other words the classic council solution of housing travellers in working class areas.

what are you doing about it?

this wont get through to those residents over the internet. you need to get down there and tell them the error of their ways and overall i feel you need to start being more proactive about travellers rights and whatever it is you feel so outraged about.

too many do gooders and bleeding hearts living on the internet where lets face it nothing of note will ever get solved.
this is a real life situation, real people are looking for a new home while other real people are being railroaded over by the authorities in the process while no other community in this state has come forward to put their hand up to say they will shoulder their share of the issue.
on the internet however help and answers are flooding in, if only we could transfer them down off of the internet into a format we could use.

too many lads trying too hard to be trevor hogan on that ship that time but without the ship.


the tinker who was in love/hate is on the ray darcy show calling those poor residents nazis

There have been plans to build permanent halting sites the area for nearly ten years. Nothing has been done I don’t think

I think if he could just recount his argument in person to these residents they’d understand the error of their ways and everything would be fixed. We need to get him out there in front of the blockade immediately. Just like Trev.

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Unsurprisingly big Trevor Hogan last night tweeted his disgust at the residents actions.

No word yet on whether he offered up his own gaff as a place for a load of caravans to set up camp for a few months. And perhaps longer.

Where’s Bishop Willie Walsh when you need him?

Jaysus everyone who doesn’t agree with some bleeding heart do gooder cause is racist nazi.

I’m with @ironmoth here I wouldn’t want a halting site near me. If that sends me to hell then so be it.

These residents need to Padraig Nally involved in their cause.

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Taz, these people had 10 of their family killed a few days ago. You could have some small bit of cop on but instead you choose to be a classless, nasty, small-minded little cunt from behind a keyboard.

Fuck yourself.

have you offered to house these folks? If not then fuck off with your bleeding heart do gooder shit. The council fucked up here and have treated the residents of this road like shit. The residents are right to stand up to the council. Also the council should be treating the traveller families the way every other family that has been made homeless in the state. Why are they getting special treatment? I understand that 10 folks died, If god forbid something happened to my place of residence and someone died would I be getting the same treatment, would I fuck. So you can fuck off.


Well said - these fuckers get so much from the state and respect no one or none of it so why should the Irish public keep giving them hand outs whilst also treating the Irish people, whom are bloody paying for it, with no respect. It was a terrible tragedy yes but tragedys of various types happen all over the country every day of the week

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You’re a nasty bitter little fucker. You have nothing to say on this issue that isn’t bigotry. You’re pathetic.

Exactly and you don’t see the councils acting as fast as they have tried to do here. Now this is not the travellers fault this is the councils fault. They tried to railroad the residents of this cul de sac and it has back fired on them spectacularly. I can’t see why they cant treat these families the same as anyone else, do they really need to build a temporary halting site, can they not put them in emergency accommodation until a permanent site is chosen and then do up that site so the families can move there. These families will never ever go back to the halting site where the tragedy occurred and who can blame them. But what the council had tried to do is not the answer.

Also the media needs to cop fuck on a stop treating the residents like anti christs because they stood up to the council and blocked this move. The media are doing nothing more than shit stirring to get some cheap headlines.