Irish Travellers - A Proud Ethnic Group

I see Pavee Point were on the radio this morning saying it was a disgrace and degrading that the Carrickmines victims were being accommodated in a car park.

Travellers, complaining about being accommodated in a car park.

:grinning: :grinning:


Its really astonishing that in an environment where the outpouring of such good will towards these misfortunate people exists that not one instance of a group or community stepping forward to volunteer to accommodate them exists.

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Wouldnā€™t dispute that at all but with this must come responsibilities. As I sit here typing this I am looking out my back window and there are 9 traveller men milling around their cars. They are wearing the best of clothes and range in ages from 21 to 50ish. None, not one of them, works but the oldest car is an 08 Passat. The eldest fella has had his wife at the dentist recently where she got several thousand euros worth of porcelain veneers. How do they do it? Drugs and robbery. If I had a button to murder every one of the fuckers I would press it right now and I find it hard to distinguish between these cunts and the anguish going on in Dublin. If they succeed in their quest for ethnicity, we can forget about towns like Rathkeale and Kilmallock, which are over run with the worst that the traveller ā€˜cultureā€™ has ever bred.


This is the thing Travellers donā€™t want the responsibilities but want all the benefits. Till they start taking responsibility then maybe they the general popultion mght have a bit more time for them. Driving in this morning Newstalk had some politician on saying the reason for the rubbish surrounding halting sites was due to lack of amenities on the site and wasnā€™t the fault of the Travellers. Why cant they organise a rubbish collection like most people in the country? Im sure if they ring one of the many rubbish collection companies in the country they can set up something with them but that wont happen because they wont want to pay the charges, its easier just to fuck the rubbish on the road side and let the council deal with it. I wish the authorities would get though on these fuckers. I drive by the halting site on the N32 every day and the place is a kip, and the reason it is a kip is because the travellers have made it a kip.


Not travellers, thats the Bruree crowd. Much worse.


R I P not a nice time for them but they have to learn from this

Animals. And once again, members of the travelling community. The laws of society do not apply to these low life scumbags.

They should lock that fucker up for a long, long time. Pulling down his pants, mooning the judge, handling his knob and swinging it while roaring at the judge, assaulting a guard who came to arrest him, causing such a raucous that reinforcements were called in to assist the FIVE guards in the court room, diverting guards from the community doing other jobs such as potentially responding to robbery calls where their cousins have robbed someone.

How can anyone have any time or respect for this group of people.


Are travellers supposed to ultimately just live like the rest of us? Is that what Pavee Point want? If it is fair enough, I think a couple of generations of pain most would accept.

I have never been able to figure out what the actual plan for them is. How do they continue to live like nomads but are able to provide adequate schooling ect which we all take a necessity in this day and age. Are we supposed to bend over backwards for the needs of every traveller? How do the local authorities decide who gets a spot in each of their Halting site and for how long?


Does anybody find it a bit bemusing that ten people were buried this week. Survivors dumped in a carpark and media coverage is wall to wall Billy Walsh.


ā€œā€¦As Gardai in court restrained the 21-year old and his 18-year old brother, Judge Durcan retreated from his bench into his adjoining chambersā€¦ā€

Travellers 1 - Judge 0

Only answer would have been to give his arse 10 years, life to his hands, and pass down the ultimate sentence to his cock and balls - DEATH!

Instead, the Judge ran out of the Court room and the legal system has once again failed society.

Agree rating.

Simple. They donā€™t build them and hope the travellers go elsewhere.

You havenā€™t addressed what your long term vision is for travellers in this country?

Why do I have to have one?

Because youā€™re a cheerleader for them. Come on now if you are going to cheerlead you must come up with some rational plans for their implementation and how you think long term they can evolve on this island.

As an aside is it a given that we donā€™t expect these fuckers to contribute one iota to society? Itā€™s all take/take so that they can continue with their tradition (which is??). The rest of us have to pay for them to do their own thing. If i want to do my own thing, such as going off and living on an island or something similar, iā€™m going to pay my own way not stick my hand out for someone else to pay for my survival while i snooze in a hammock all day. Thatā€™s how it should work. And iā€™m not going to go over to my neighbours while heā€™s out either and rob his hammock.


Would you get a grip of yourself ffs. 10 people are dead because of a fire, that is tragic but what could local authorities have done to prevent it?
If the Council had visited that site to do an assessment theyā€™d have been ran.

Travellers are disgusting cunts who would rob the eye out of your head, they will stay in a place until they eventually get sick of the filth they had amassed. They will prey on the weak, torment the elderly, treat animals horribly & show a complete disregard for the law.
People roaring & shouting about getting them sorted with accomadation ASAP, they are well able to leave a spot pronto when they feel like it.

Such shite being spouted about helping these cunts. :rollseyes:


Not for the first time Harry you have totally missed the point and I aint spending the afternoon trying to explain it to you

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These too lines. It still surprises me that otherwise smart and sounds lads can be such stupid fucking arseholes at times.

Youā€™d have been first in line behind hitler against the Jews Harry.

Because you are telling us all tone ashamed of ourselves? You must have a magical plan to deal with their integration into society.

What is the future for travellers in Ireland? Do you want them to settle like the rest of us, thus making them no different to us or do you want them to be given access to halting sites that they can move to whenever they want? Do you want Irish schools to have traveller children leaving schools on short notice to go elsewhere?