Irish Travellers - A Proud Ethnic Group

What’s stupid about it? That’s the plain truth. I keep my distance from the cunts & rarely have interaction with them which suits me fine.

You really do pander to the PC brigade & looking down your nose are people with opposing opinions to yours is fairly childish.


Sure mate. “The plain truth.” Your attitude to travellers is the same as the nazis to the Jews. You’d have been first in line to drive them out and have them packed off for extermination. There’s your plain truth.

What does what I want matter? The answer is there’s a few little things that could be tweaked that would improve matters an awful lot but there’s no political will. I’m not really bothered going into it on here.

Fuck off with the Nazi gibberish. I don’t want travellers exterminated but by fuck have I an issue with cunts mouthing off that they deserve this & that when invariably they don’t appreciate help.

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Nothing gibberish about it mate. Your a nice guy in general and fairly extreme racist on one issue. Hitler would have loved you. Pretty much his core vote.

Have you ever had dealings with Travellers, pal?

The closest he has got to a tinker is when he saw one walking past the window. And of course Blackie Connors on the TV. He has no real world experience of these people. I do as do many more here and it has been nothing but rotten experiences, twice it was involving theft with me or my family as the victims.

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What things can be tweaked?

You won’t go into it here but are prepared to brand us all scum?

Being PC about it is easier than facing the truth.

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Where did I call you scum? The only ones branding people scum are the stupid racist cunts that keep mouthing off about travellers in the exact same way as the nazis did with the Jews.

That’s a fairly vile comment. And then you go on to accuse someone else of looking down their nose at people. You’re all over the fucking place.

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Yes. And they were good people. And some cunts too.

But what does that matter? You want to brand an entire section of people as scum. That’s stupid. And racist. Some of your comments are pretty vicious. You feel safe making those comments on here because you’ll be backed up by other stupid fuckers.

Exact same stupid and racist type comments that the nazis started out with. You’d like to try to justify it by saying you know what the “reality” is. The same rhetoric hurler used.

Godwin’s law (or Godwin’s rule of Nazi analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1”[2][3]—​that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler or Nazism.

I know a few travellers who are salt of the earth types and making a good go of things with regard to education etc.They are in the minority though. there are massive issues in their community that no one really knows how to tackle. It’s easy be pc and scream rascism and the likes, but why don’t you come down off your high horse and try come up with a few solutions, instead of taking the easy option of spouting shit on internet forums. Your crusade means fuck all if all it involves is pontificating to strangers online. It’s actually just a waste of words.


Sometimes prejudice is based on real world experiences and is justified

Analogies with the Jews and Germany are daft. A closer analogy to the Jews and Germany would be Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.


Yes, Hitler will forever be remembered for his treatment of the travellers.

It’s amazing how some of these cunt’s heads don’t spin off their shoulders with the hypocrisy.

Actually a much closer analogy would be lazy drunken Papish Paddies looked down upon by Brits, Prods and New Englanders.

Calling a whole group of people disgusting cunts is… well, pretty fucking disgusting in itself.

Why did you withdraw your horrible post mate?

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What a fucking coward you are :slight_smile:

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What did he say now !!