Irish Travellers - A Proud Ethnic Group

What a shower of absolute cunts


Nimby cunts indeed

Nobody wants a halting site on their door step


Maybe some of the bleeding heart traveller lovers on here will offer up a piece of land next to them for this temporary halting site?


The site were the accident occurred was a temporary halting site too… that the family moved into 10 years ago.

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The residents are right to be pissed off. The council give them an hours notice, and what genius wants to put a halting site in a cul de sac. The place will be ruined in hours. Also the council are going to build Shower and Toilet facilities certainly doesn’t sound temporary to me.


@Rocko how you fixed for lodgers?

They have every right to be annoyed

They need to stick to the argument that the council said the last site was going to be temporary and 10 years later they were still there, sadly in unfit homes. The silent majority in this country will back them despite how loud Pavee Point will shriek. The Council are not to be trusted on stuff like this.


Fuck that. There is a time for looking after yourself and a time to have a bit of fucking compassion. @Big_Dan_Campbell is spot on here. They are nasty small minded cunts.

Sorted so, you and @Big_Dan_Campbell can house these folks next to you.

Wow, good one Taz.

10 people die in a tragic burning, the state flies flags at half mast to mourn them. And these cunts think they can block a road they don’t own to stop the bereaved from staying next to them for a while.

That is despicable and shameful behaviour.

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Why should their greenspace suddenly be inhabited. Given that the fire was on “temporary” accommodation they are more than entitled to question whether the council will follow through with their hastily arranged “plan”. Why not give them temporary accommodation in already established places? Housing shortage or not I find it hard to believe there are not council units that can be quickly turned around for these people.

Given the circumstances, that post is just pathetic in its small mindedness and selfishness.

One of the protesters was on the news there and her argument was ridiculous. Something about her husband likes the quietness of the area on his walk to and from the local pub and if they were put on that site it would ruin the quietness and tranquility of the area. She then said the area was paradise and the potential halting site would ruin her paradise. This ‘paradise’ she speaks of is an estate across the road from Carrickmines Retail Park roughly 500m from the M50. Idiot.

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She also said that the council gave them an hours notice that this was going to happen and also the halting site were the fire was also a temporary site 8 or so years ago. The residents are right to be pissed off at the council.

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What a horrible cunt.

Fuck them, they don’t own it, it’s emergency circumstances. They should be arrested and hauled off roaring.

How dare the council only give them one hours notice. Could be worse they could have been failed by the state and have lip service paid to them since it’s inception.

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I’ve no problem with them being pissed off with the council. However, the way they’re conducting themselves is abysmal. The people involved are human beings, some of whom have just lost tragically lost family members. I don’t recall hearing much about the families in the previous site causing issues for residents and given they were settled there for so long they don’t sound like a group that would cause much trouble.

Its rare I’ll fight the corner for travellers but this whole thing is just shocking.


What are they do? Let the council build the temporary site and then protest by then its too late. This is all the councils fault trying to railroad this through using the outpouring of grief and sympathy for this family. The residents are correct in what they are doing preventing this from happening before it is started. Remember the site that the tragedy occurred has been a temporary site for the last 8 years or so, who is to say that this new temporary site wont be still a temporary site for another 8 years.

Fair play to the residents for standing up the council and being prepared to take the flak and abuse that are going to be hurled at them by the media and every bleeding heart do gooder from here to eternity. Why are none of the media or bleeding hearts offering up somewhere to house these families? The reason is that they wont a halting site temporary or otherwise on their doorstep but will gladly support the building of a halting site on someones else’s doorstep. Cunts the lot of them. ( i meant the media and do gooders here not the families)