Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?

Common sense prevails.

It makes the LGFA decision and statement all the more bizarre. Another of just one of the many good reasons why GAA shouldnt go near the LGFA with a barge pole.


Sensible decision, why can’t these Trans Athletes have their own competition racing against each other? Be interesting to see if the LGFA will now rowback on their decision or will they bury their heads in the sand and hope that they are left alone.

Nazi rally cancelled.

@Cheasty has been mis-dictatoring J.K.

The Posie Parker effect:

Kellie Jay-Keen aka Posie Parker is an English anti-trans demagogue who actively courts the far right. She recently did a tour of Australia and New Zealand. Actual Nazi mobs turned up to support one of her rallies in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago. Understandably, normal people recoiled at this, and the rest of her “tour” was a disaster, meeting massive protests, again, completely reasonable because you don’t want actual Nazis on the streets.

A local councillor from the Liberal Party (the Liberal Party are Australia’s equivalent to the Tories) name Moira Deeming turned up to speak at one of Parker’s Melbourne rally the one attended by the Nazi mobs in black shirts, doing Nazi salutes. The Liberal Party toyed with expelling her from the party but didn’t do so.

Today there has been a by-election for a national parliament seat in Melbourne. The seat has been held by the Liberal Party since 1990 on usually huge majorities. No party which leads a government has gained a seat from the opposition in a by-election since 1920. Not until today, when Labor took the seat. Seems electorates don’t like parties which harbour people who associate with Nazis.

The Posie Parker effect.

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Is there any fun to be had with this trans business? There seems to be an awful lot if anger, resentment and shouting - would the trans clubs be a good place to go for after hours drinking and/or dancing?

If you fancy heading along to something like that, google is your friend, buddy.

The gay clubs in Belfast were pure madness after hours. I’d like to think there’s an upside

Hardly coincidence you can’t spell Lola ( l-o-l-a, Lola) without lol

Joe as usual gets it right on the issues that matter.

He can talk as much shite about GAA as he likes as far as I’m concerned, he understands the things that really matter.

@sid and I discussed this earlier. He feels that mutilating children is a vile practice, and that women with a knob are men.

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There’s an estimated 5k transgender people in Ireland. They deserve protection and compassion but I’m not sure the country needs to come to a standstill over the issue.

Politicians visibly panicking when asked to define what a man or a woman is, is my new favourite sub genre of awkward comedy.


That’s the world we live in… People afraid of their lives to speak.

He should look up a primary school book, he’ll get the definition there… The words uterus, ovary and ova will most likely be in there.

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It’s a fucking joke, people in the public eye constantly walking on eggshells. Nothing anybody says in front of cameras these days can be taken as the truth / their genuine opinion.

There is no correct answer to that question, no matter what he said he runs the risk of being cancelled in the future depending on which way the wind is blowing.


Eilis O’Hanlon, David Quinn, John McGuirk, Mary Kenny, JK Rowling, Graham Linehan, “The Countess”, “Women’s Space” etc., all of them supported the planned holding in Dublin of the exact same rally that attracted neo-Nazis in Australia, which is Posie Parker, trading under the Orwellian banner of “Let Women Speak”.

Go for a walk

they’d chop her tits off and sow a penis onto her at 15 years of age, thats what they do her


Do you go for for walks when it’s piddling rain with the force of somebody going for their first pee of the evening after their fourth pint?