Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?

Actually, I do and find it invigorating.

And it would cost the taxpayer €50 k to butcher her, another €150k to reverse it and a lifetime of counselling.

Excellent article here, if someone could do the needful?

The anti-woke headbangers won’t be happy until Johnny Arse is fondling 8 year girls’ vaginas as a “test” to play camogie.

I think a lot of people were defending this book being on the curriculum. Just shows how polarised the whole thing has become that people will literally just claim the opposite of what the other side thinks no matter how ridiculous it is.

What book is it and what’s the major issue, I can’t read that

Health authorities are to remove references to a book from a sex education resource for schools which campaigners say is inappropriate and contains highly sexual content aimed at children.

Relationships and Sexuality Education 1, developed by the HSE and supported by the Department of Education, is aimed at supporting the roll-out of sex education for Junior Cycle students, who are typically aged 12-15. The inclusion of This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson in a “recommended reading” list has prompted criticism from campaigners.

The book, a non-fiction exploration of growing up as LGBTQ, addresses a variety of issues including sex, politics and stereotypes. However, it has been challenged due to sections that provide detailed advice on anal sex, oral sex, sexual positions, sexting and using “sex apps” for casual sex. Age limits for these apps is typically 17 or 18 years of age.

The Irish are still obsessed with sexual activity. It’s like the repressed generation are compensating by shoving all sorts of oddness into the face of children. There’s a balance, and we have overshot it by quite a distance.

Leaving aside the above mentioned example what else are you referring to?

OK, I don’t know about that book, it’s like a gay manual??
Sure they’ll learn what they need to know from porn I suppose

I haven’t a clue. I just read there that they had approved some book as part of a reading list for young teens. The anti wokies went mad as it contained very graphic content and things like how to behave on gay dating websites for adults.
The wokies stoutly defended it. Then the government realised ‘hold on this is a bit much’ and took it off the reading list. My point was that even the wokies who were defending its inclusion probably realised it was a bit much but just had to defend it as it was seen as progressive and the anti wokies didnt like it without actually considering what was actually in it.
Maybe you’re right though and it’s better than them finding out on redtube but personally I felt it was ‘a bit much’. Maybe I’m just a prude though (genuine comment not passive aggressive one)

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The truth is that they’ll probably chuckle at the innocence of it all in reality, most young lads are watching porn throughout the day, sure we’d have been no different given the opportunity,
I assume it was a long recommended reading list

All sorts. Sex education in general has become graphic, and I think exposure is too young. Stuff in the news. Stuff on telly. All sorts really. We’ve left everything to the education system ourselves, but I don’t think ours were exposed to anything like that book or the fairly graphic sounding detail in it, but the tans in general were never taught to have the hangups that we were. It seems just less of an issue over here, sex in general, besides selling newspapers.

Yeah but I wouldn’t say were gone beyond other countries in what we teach or expose kids to now. We’re still behind if anything. Still loads of ‘oh jeepers Eileen I’m mortified’ types of teachers skipping the sex ed curriculum in primary school as theyre too embarrassed to say the word vagina.

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More evidence of my original point.

I still don’t get ya. We’re not ‘shoving things in people’s faces’ and we haven’t ‘overshot the runway’ certainly when comparing ourselves to other western countries which is the only thing you can do in cases like this really. We’re probably still a bit repressed really and we have a bit of a way to go. Our generation definitely are.
Richie sadlier apparently has a new programme coming up about sex education in schools. Will be interesting I’d say.

I wonder which of today’s niche minority fetishisms will be an indispensable fundamental part of the curriculum in a decade or so?

MAP’s & @backinatracksuit will be on here staunchly defending it.

And here we have it. It’s utterly pointless debating anything with people like yourself with such rigid, blinkered and dogmatic views on what it is reasonable to teach children. I observed that very graphic sexual content is not something that we should be teaching children as part of a school curriculum, but in you just scream that such an opinion is “anti-wokies (whatever they are, but it would seem that it’s anyone who doesn’t agree with your own world view) going mad.”
Reasoned debate, the lynchpin of a healthy society, is lost as people increasingly just scream angrily when disagreed with.


What the fuck are you on about I said I agreed with the anti wokies!
The reason I queried you was that you seemed to be saying Ireland was gone ultra liberal beyond other countries. I asked you for examples as I don’t think we have. Even in this case the government have pulled the book. You were obviously talking scutter and realised that when I asked you for more examples of how we’ve ‘overshot the runway’.
Your post above is the biggest example of screaming angrily I’ve ever seen. I actually said I thought that book was a bit much and shouldn’t have been on the curriculum. Yet I also could see the point that they will learn it from porn anyway but still disagreed. Surely the definition of ‘reasoned debate’. Yet you were so angry you actually thought the opposite and labelled me as some kind of ultra woke extremist.