Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?

We should set up a poll of polls on all the issues. See who needs helmets to protect their heads from bang damage

Blow your whistle, far left scum

But what will protect us from the helmets?

They’re certainly not and I apologize if I implied that.

They’re buying books not to be read. Keep up.

Masks and 2m social distancing

As far as I can see, the narrative of the headbangers who demonstrated on that library yesterday genuinely is as follows.

There is a satanic conspiracy led by the World Economic Forum, George Soros, Bill Gates, some guy called Klaus Schwab and their sinister AGENTS in Ireland Roderic O’Gorman, Paul Murphy and a neo-liberal communist cabal which apparently includes the vast majority of people in public life, to groom primary school children into a satanic child sex cult at which all children are turned into gay trans sex slaves for PAEDOPHILES! The Covid vaccines were a conspiracy to turn people docile while all this happens and the Covid vaccines were also forced into children to turn them into willing sex salves.

The only hope to protect children are the Catholic Church, Donald Trump and actual violent fascists and their supporters.

Please correct me if I’ve gone wrong anywhere.

The majority of the headbangers pushing this agenda are childless lefties. Would they ever fuck off.


Who’s pushing an agenda? The people who say librarians should be left alone to do their jobs, or the people who support violent fascists and Covid conspiraloon headbangers invading libraries and ripping up books?

What kind of sick cunts came up with this idea

The right wing headbangers don’t tell you they want this man to be forced to use female bathrooms. :grinning:


And this one.


HSE recommended reading for “young people” whatever that means.

The world is gone a bit mad. I’m agnostic on the whole thing - parents should be involved more maybe.

People calling for this book to be taken off shelves are outraged at changes to Dahl books.

People happy at changes to Dahl books want this on the shelves.

The polarisation of views and a refusal to see context, nuance is all very depressing and won’t lead us to anywhere good.

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Grown men exposing themselves to teenagers… Fucking hell. Get @Cheasty , @carryharry and @Piles_Hussain an application for the Irish version.

I didn’t see very many, if any people, applauding the changes to the Roald Dahl books.

So you’ve done a neat little trick there by implying that the vast majority of normal people out there on the spectrum from centre to left wanted changes to Roald Dahl’s books. When in fact I don’t recall anybody calling for such changes and very few people saying it was a good thing.

It’s the likes of me who see context. People Before Profit, whatever you think of them, see context here.

You don’t. You’ve given the two fingers to context, one could say, you’ve fisted it.

Another hilarious demonstration of what a transparent sham the position of anybody even vaguely sympathetic to these fascist headbangers is is that one of their slogans is “parents should get to decide what their children are taught”.

Yet just a few weeks ago when Paul Murphy said he and his partner stated they would raise their child in a non-judgmental way in terms of gender, the headbangers went doolally over it.

Lads here think Paul Murphy should be taking parenting lessons from a lad who is best known for viciously kicking somebody on the ground in the head.

You couldn’t make it up.

The far left nihilists are set on destroying the world.

The insanity of the anti-trans cult is summed up by this. They genuinely want to ban cis women from female toilets.

Childless lefty headbangers like you and @glasagusban.

Lads like you ever having children should worry us all.