Is Your Job Recession Proof?

@Copper_pipe - Don’t go next to near Australia or Nz – you’ll get nothing from these places… Stick to Asia, the Americas and Africa.


Loads of lads dishing out advice to @Copper_pipe here, I’d say two weeks in Playa Del Ingles is about the height of travelling most of them have done.


@Copper_pipe, don’t listen to this fella, Playa De Ingles is a cracking spot.

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Do a week in Magaluf next summer then settle down in Ireland for the rest of your life.

Two weeks can be a long time when you’re away from home.

How is it not seeing the world?

Its alot more learning than you get on some box ticking exercise most irish people do.

Going somewhere like NZ/Oz/USA and doing a menial job which pays more than a professional kob in Ireland and having it as base to see lots is a way better than some trip where you soend a day in a number of places just to say “i was there”.

The box tickers wouldn’t work to warm themselves Kev.

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What experience do you have in teaching?
Who have you spoken to about teaching out there?

Because not just anyone can teach. Some apes might think that but they wouldn’t last pissing time in a classroom, they’d be terrible.

And teaching out in places like Dubai is very dependent on the school you get in to. A walk in the park it certainly is not. Do your research is my advice or you could get a rude awakening out there.


That’s fine if you’re spending a couple of years in one country, and I’d agree with you, but a young lad doing a year away is best to do the backpacking thing and ride his way around the globe… It’s his duty to do it.

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I’m responding to glas. Not necessarily what copper pipe is asking about

Yeah you’re right Kev. But if he’s only hoping for a year at all he’s better travelling than working on some shit hole.

Well yes maybe. But why restrict himself to a year?

He’s not unusual on TFK in condsidering far away fields to be only in the same parish as he was born in, there was an interesting thread yesterday (only kidding @Copper_pipe) where the gist was that unless you can smell nothing but cowshit for half the year you’re not living,

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Travel with your engineering job you mad bastard. There’s got to be plenty of work in Dubai for an engineer?? And on better wedge than teaching English, something you’ve no idea how to do. China was crying out for western lads with technical degrees when I was there(6years ago now though).

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He might even get his Nat King out there

Sydney mate.

9 months summer a year.
Inflated salaries. Up to you how you spend it.
2 hours drive to the snow, mountain hikes and over 100 beaches.
The women. My god… the women.
The fitness culture. Very health orientated people.
The wonderful appreciation of all cultures (that make it in)
And best of all, every pub has a bookies in it :laughing:

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He said a year in his post

And you can sit in the Greenwood of a Friday afternoon and buy me and @Chucks_Nwoko pale ales in return for our wizened advice and tales of derring do.

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I would advise to nor under any circumstances get a job picking fruit on a farm in Australia. You wont be paid and you’ll end up in debt.

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@Copper_pipe I never took a year out to travel and I don’t regret it for a second. Traveling can be an awful dose.