Is Your Job Recession Proof?

Do I have a job? How long have you been a member of this forum Padjo?

Whats the correlation?

Its common knowledge on the forum that Flano works in the gambling industry.

No shite…

Just look at the togs on Captainshan : While F’s retorts are probably brief and acerbic, anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of encryption would get the tip hidden in the ripostes.
He’s actually Ivan Yates in disguise.

Work in Aviation. Most companies are going to shit but I’m fairly safe. Air France/KLM was one of the few airlines to sucessfully hedge their supplys, unlike Ryanair who took a gamble and lost.

It helps that AF/KLM is the biggest airline in the world.

The Australian economy is still very sound, with a huge budget surplus and a banking system with little or no exposure to the current problems. So while the economy will slow down, it won’t go into recession like the US and Europe already are.

Even if things got a lot worse, my job would still be safe. I work in business development in the printing and print management industry and more and more people are leaving that through personal choice, basically because its so fucking hard to win new business. Things have definitely slowed down, but I’m personally doing more business than ever.

Though, if it was up to me, the jobs of our entire Production team would be seriously under threat, bunch of fucking incompetant morons.

I’ve seen demand for my escort agency slow down a little over the last six months but our main business drivers are still very sound and it helps that it’s a cash business and we don’t get alot of bad debt. Going forward I could see us down sizing a little but all key business indicators are giving signals that we’ll come out of this crisis a more streamlined and stronger business ready to cope with the new business environment.


good lingo

escort agency?

I have a stable of lovelies to suit every gentleman’s taste, NCC.

more people after being let go around me here today. its getting very bad. might be leaving these shores in the new year if things dont improve.

You serious lad? Is it gone that bad now?

It’s every man for himself now Gman and you need to look after number one. I suggest going onto the shared server in work and making loads of sneaky amendments to colleagues’ work. The boss man will subsequently review the stuff and it’ll be incorrect and unprofessional. Meanwhile, you’ll be the teacher’s pet delivering consistently high quality work.

sounds grim there…hope things steady a bit…plan b might be a good idea

as it is bandage, I’m the last one left the room here, after christmas there will be 5 empty desks in here. I’ll have some huge office space to spread out tho!

Where will we go lad?

back to Oz fran! I hear there is a party house in Greaves St

might not come back after Christmas! will see sure, be a pain in the arse to have to try set up out there after doing so much to set up here, but sure if thats what has to be done, then so be it.

[quote=“Gman”]back to Oz fran! I hear there is a party house in Greaves St

might not come back after Christmas! will see sure, be a pain in the arse to have to try set up out there after doing so much to set up here, but sure if thats what has to be done, then so be it.[/quote]

The big smoke is calling you back lad :mad:

'tis time

[quote=“Gman”]back to Oz fran! I hear there is a party house in Greaves St


I’d go back in the morning. I don’t think herself would be too keen tho.