Is Your Job Recession Proof?

if i were you id stay in job but apply for other positions and not let on to your current employers that you are looking… and not tell them if possible to you get a new job

What exactly do you mean Mac?

Someone’s who’s in employment but has a definite offer to move elsewhere?

Or someone who’s considering just quitting a role without having anything lined up and then commencing a search for something else?

I presume it’s option 1, as it would seem like madness to just walk out on a job without having something else in the pipeline.

As regards having a definite opportunity of switching companies or industries, then I don’t know to be honest. People might be drawn to staying where they’re established rather than being last into some other place. But it depends on how the individual companies are doing, I suppose.

If you were to think about moving, continue on with your own job until an offer is given to you. Then you’d have to look at what will the company you are joining going to do for you in the future. Are you taking too much on and what wedge is being offered. If you are happy with all of these then go for it.

Salary wise, I was once told that you should move for less than 5 large to your current package. Not too sure about that; if you were to get an increase and leave a job that you are not happy with / same money but less commute then that would balance things IMO.

[quote=“Bandage”]What exactly do you mean Mac?

Someone’s who’s in employment but has a definite offer to move elsewhere?

Or someone who’s considering just quitting a role without having anything lined up and then commencing a search for something else?

I presume it’s option 1, as it would seem like madness to just walk out on a job without having something else in the pipeline.

As regards having a definite opportunity of switching companies or industries, then I don’t know to be honest. People might be drawn to staying where they’re established rather than being last into some other place. But it depends on how the individual companies are doing, I suppose.[/quote]

Yeah closer to option 1 Bandage. Anyone walking out of a job now with nothing to go to would be insane.

If someone had been offered another job would you advise them to move where they would be last in? Or stay put and see it all out. Obviously depends on security of both companies but you’d have to imagine the only companies hiring now have a good level of security around them.

Just been reading that everyone says never to move jobs during a recession while other people say its the best time to move jobs so just wondering what the TFK public thought of it all.

[quote=“Mac”]Yeah closer to option 1 Bandage. Anyone walking out of a job now with nothing to go to would be insane.

If someone had been offered another job would you advise them to move where they would be last in? Or stay put and see it all out. Obviously depends on security of both companies but you’d have to imagine the only companies hiring now have a good level of security around them.

Just been reading that everyone says never to move jobs during a recession while other people say its the best time to move jobs so just wondering what the TFK public thought of it all.[/quote]

Interesting question Mac.

The last in first out is a huge risk to take (happened to me in my previous job). But of course that is only if the potential new company is in a worse situation than the existing one. It’s a call that you have to make but I would error on the side of caution and stay where I was.

Tipptops - unfortuntately my line of work is getting hammered at the moment.

Depends on onesline of work and the outlook for the industry and companies in question over the next year. I think it’s dodgy enough to voluntarily move now even if you are fairly sure that where you’re going is a better option - things can change very quickly. I’m staying where i’ll get the most cash if they decide to fook me out on the street - you’ll get fook all if you’re just in the door somewhere.


unfortuntately my line of work is getting hammered at the moment.[/quote]

You a Limerick hurler farmer?

Good night and good luck folks. another one bites the dust.

Ah that’s a pile of crap.

Sorry to hear that Gman.

sorry to hear that

anything on the horrizon as an alternative

  • everyones affected now i think

my wife got the bullet last week too

The bullet Gman? Or a contented walkaway?

I’m fooked, finished in August. I know how anyone that has just got news feels, I’ve known for past couple of months now. Fooking shit feeling and pretty fed up now of anyone asking is there anything out there. If there was d’ya think I wouldnt be in there and working at it?! The other piss off comment I am sick of is, ‘shur, you’ll be grand, something will come up for you, you can turn yer hand to anything’.
This country is fooked.

Sorry to read about that, Gman. Do you have a notice period to try to sort something else or is it straightaway?

Bullet. Not good. fook all out there too so not sure whats going to happen now. had started a small operation on my own and was pulling in a few bob on the side to keep the funds going so hopefully I’ll expand on that a bit and try get something going that way, but not sure how much I will pull in with the way things are. Have a couple of clients doing business which is ok, but would need a good few more. have to try get out there now and get it going is the thing. Have a month before I finish here. annoying too as I was doing fookloads of overtime and everything to keep work going in here but to no avail.

Always hate to see this thread re-appearing.

Hard Luck GMan. Hopefully you’ll pick up something.

Male escort?

what do you do?

junior minister??..

[quote=“north county corncrake”]sorry to hear that

anything on the horrizon as an alternative

  • everyones affected now i think

my wife got the bullet last week too[/QUOTE]

A bit harsh.

Commiserations to all concerned.

Im on a grad prog until Sept. Dont really want to stay on afterwards so might hit the road for a bit.

[quote=“KIB man”]A bit harsh.

Commiserations to all concerned.

Im on a grad prog until Sept. Dont really want to stay on afterwards so might hit the road for a bit.[/QUOTE]

head to oz for a while- 1st thing to do when you get off the plane is by a decent hot buttered board- you wont regret it