"It could have been me" - Claim a spurious link to high profile tragic incidents or disasters

Just take care of yourself OK hun x

Cheers pet xx

I was outside Buckingham palace a week before the IRA blew it up in the summer of either 79 or 82. I can remember which year it was.

Finding it hard to generate any interest here.

She sounds cultured.


Sheā€™s my sister, I donā€™t fuckin know, Iā€™m from Wexford town not Bunclody ffs :roll_eyes:

Sheā€™s kicked as fuck so.

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Way to go, Fran. You must be LITā€™s most successful graduate ever

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After @The_Dunph, yes

U wot m8 ?

About two months ago on three separate occasions, I arrived at fairly bad accidents that had happened literally minotes beforehand. On all three occasions, I had been held up at meetings that had they finished on timeā€¦

Mateā€¦ It cudda been you :scream:

Havenā€™t watched any one of the FD films since and I used to love em

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Do you reckon youā€™ve run outta luck? :flushed:

A tree fell across the road in front of me one time. When I say in front of me I mean about 400 yards away. It injured nobody, but if it had, it could have been me.

Life is so delicate mate :heart:

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Im on the road the whole time. Some of the stupid things people do are just u forgive able. Due to my professional Iā€™m just a statistical waiting to happen. Thatā€™s why we are coverdale full for life insurance by the company. If God forbid, I topped it in an accident in the morning at least the wife and kids would be sorted. Ergo, I check under the car for leaking break fluid, under every morning g.

Shit mate, itā€™s like your in the Hutch gang checking under the car and what not. Any chance of taking a few of the Kinihans out before you go, to even the score up a wee bit like?

Part of the deal when youā€™re worth more to the wife dead then alive

Take some solace that your daughter will inherit your shoe collection.


Fuck ye all ye cunts. I wonā€™t get out of bed now in the morning.

@ChocolateMice will be touched by that tribute.

Not really. She might have died in the first incident.