IT Professionals, Guilty

@Copper_pipe My sources tell me Microsoft are going to announce details of a serious security vulnerability today. They will be releasing a patch for it and everyone will be told to update immediately.

Tell your sources to go and shove their thumb up their hole.

win 10 in most of the CS, with some outliers probably running on ME

I think a lot of civil service departments actually run virtualized desktops

a mish mash from my experience


Only 1 (one) PC for me to patch :innocent:

How only 1(one)?

No idea. Global IT ran a scan to see what was vulnerable and we have only the one :ok_hand:

That’s odd given every single windows machine is vulnerable to the exploit.

  • Wan

Microsoft Teams seems to have shat itself.

I seen an email from IT there but am literally just off a call and it worked fine. :man_shrugging:

I’ve fixed it.


I can, in effect, blame you for the meeting at the end of the day about time-to-value on lighthouse projects so.

IT sent out an email in our place saying we could download the Teams app to our phone as a workaround if you needed it :upside_down_face:

Amateur hour

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The major ransomware gangs have pledged to stop attacking hospitals while they are tackling the Corona Virus :clap:


A mighty sound gesture

Did they not spend the first week of this making out like bandits?