IT Professionals, Guilty

They’ve spent 5 years making out like bandits

Obviously, but it’s nice that they got a week or so of it in in this current crisis before pulling on the jersey with the rest of the world.

What’s the best free Antivirus for Windows 10?

The built in windows 10 AV is decent if you are on the last build.

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Cheap laptop options for a secondary school student? Budget of say, 300 or so euro.


Leave it with me.

Gentleman. She wont really be doing anything too taxing on it.

This is getting out of hand

Its perfectly in hand.

PowerPoint guys…talk to me

How do you do the thing on a power point slide where you make photos or text appear with a click on a slide…rather than be sitting there waiting for you

E.g. and now heres point 2…and bang it appears

Remember, less text is more.

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Cc @TreatyStones

Any software you’d recommend for taking an image of a PC? Don’t mind paying for it as it’s works money and not mine.

Need to image a few PCs just in case of a disaster recovery situation…

Backup software you mean? I’m sure windows will have a backup recovery tool and you can store it on or off premise

Disk2VHD, part of sysinternals.

The VHD file is mountable. So you can just have the file and mount it to access the file system.
Or you can actually use the VHD file to recreate the machine in a Hyper-V VM.

I want something that’ll output a file that I can store on a server and on a USB in a fireproof cabinet.

You can create an image and store it wherever you want

If you just want to clone the hard drive you can do that too.

You’re changing the format of the filesytem there mate.

That may or may not matter. If you’re just taking a copy for the sake of it to tick a box or if there is a genuine need to use it again. Horses for courses.

I think it’s part of a DR plan. :joy:

It would be no good in the disaster part if you couldn’t do the recovery.

I’m surprised there isn’t an automated back up solution though

That’d be making more work for me :sweat_smile:

The PCs aren’t connected to the internet and I have no intention of connecting them to the internet either.

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