IT Professionals, Guilty

Damn racist computer networks


They’ve spent millions on that horseshit, the fucking clowns. Held up a number of releases.


We’d an absolute yank weasel from security begging Pankaj and the lads to stop using blacklisting. The boys never buckled to the pressure though in fairness.


The missus is now working with a crowd that use this sprint planning.

It would seem the idea is that everyone works really hard towards a goal for a set period, say two weeks.
And after the two weeks it just starts again. Basically a constantly rolling series of tight deadlines.

Is this helpful to people for some reason?

Seems like an attempt to flog your staff to death. Sprints will continue until morale improves

It’s you’ll get the brunt of it, you crator.

Tis grand, she has nothing to do with that side. She just has to listen in on the meetings, so I’d over hear some of the goings on.

They’ve a two hour meeting this morning to discuss doing some work, instead of actually doing some work. The hours wasted in meetings every week around the World must be phenomenal

They need to get Bang involved. He’d put a plan in place.

A certification in Bang, would be highly sought after in industry you’d imagine

I misspelled a word there recently on the phone and the spellchecker corrected it as one of my commonly used passwords.

This is concerning as the inbuilt spellchecker is not only monitoring everything I type in all my apps, but is also monitoring my password entries also.

Talk to me IT Professionals.

Just created 10,000 alerts on one of my security systems by forwarding the wrong logs for analysis and it looks like I can only clear them in batches of 100 . :roll_eyes:


If you clear one batch a day you should have it sorted by Christmas.

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Sounds like a mighty bit of work experience for a TY or Co-op student.


Are they sitting on some internal queuing system?

Souvik has informed me today that the Azure API between the Telephony Campaign Management tool and the Operational Data Store is only configured correctly on the Prod environment, therefore any data changes that I need to test can only be verified in production.

That’s well and good I said, but I don’t test with production data or in the production environment for that matter.

I should get a good bit of gardening done in the next few days while the PM, Security & Compliance are trying to sort out this conundrum.


They are in a SIEM type tool.

They’ve suggested I set the Alert retention period to 1 day, which will clear the alerts tomorrow. Not a terrible idea. Just hope there’s nothing important mixed in with them.

Fucking Windows. Missus laptop has this and looks like the only solution is to reset the whole thing

Not sure if this or the ‘career change’ is the right thread but a serious question.

How difficult is it to build your own website with a front end shop? Using the likes of Shopify or Big Commerce? The internet is a minefield for me as ye know. But with the knees gone now it’s perhaps time for a change…

Where can I find the basic steps that won’t lead me into a mine field?
Who are the web design gurus here?


Get on to your local enterprise board. (LEO)
During covid they were giving 90% grant funding for ecommerce websites and I suspect there is funding sitting there still.

You could do it yourself using the likes of WordPress or Squarespace but you’ll second hours fucking around with it. Outsource it if possible and learn the basics on how to update it yourself on an ongoing basis.

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Thanks, but my part would just be specifically the web-shop build and support obviously. I wouldn’t be getting involved in the business side of things as such.

So, it’s just me at home and my PC to start with…

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This would be a one-time job that might lead to more if it worked out.
If I got the right info to get a proper start and not waste time getting sucked into an internet cave.