IT Professionals, Guilty

Send them on this

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It could be a timezone issue. If your machine was off when they pushed the faulty update you should be ok.

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This is the bad thing about leaving work that needs to be done until Friday…

Yeah that’s what my boys are doing

Showing down 15% in premarket. Something like this could be the end of a company

The Millennium Bug has finally kicked in.

15% seems light. They are fucked. The remediation and claims off the back of this will be massive

Just goes to show it doesn’t take much to take down the digital World. Imagine you were trying to do it how bad it could be

Deployments already rescheduled for 9am tomorrow morning by end-customers in my former department. That’ll ruin a few cunts’ Friday evening pinting plans.

The INTERNET forgets

A real, “we are apologising for nothing” vibe off this from the CEO of Crowdstrike

Is he trying to suggest that as others are not impacted, this must be Microsoft’s fault?

No I dont think so, he’s just trying to say its subset of users, not all users. Ignoring the fact it’s by far the biggest subset of their users

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3.5 hours on a call to Mumbai this evening. My brain is broken after it.


Are they as tricky as the Bangalore lads?

Once the clock ticked past the 180 minutes the early jovial mood and cricket talk gave way to more terse answers, but at the end they declared it a most enjoyable call and were really delighted to have worked with us.

