Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

“You’re a communist.”

Woah, devastating stuff.

You really haven’t evolved as a poster or as a man at all in the last six years. It’s pretty tragic to see.

Ryan has zero control over the WHO. He was completely ignored by his boss when it mattered.

I’ll never get over your adverse opinion of me.

He’s a great man and we should be proud of him in Ireland. Maybe if the US pulled a few pennies out of their arse pockets in funding for the WHO they might have less to complain about. As it is, the complaints are unlike the WHO - rich.

Why would you support an organization that is completely controlled by a communist totalitarian regime? That failed utterly at their primary role. If they got rid of the lad running it they could become credible again.

I always find it hilarious when you call people or institutions “failures” given you spent a year trying to absolve Trump of any failure over the pandemic and another four years before that trying to tell us he was a grand lad. You’ve spent the last six months telling us Ron Death Sentence in Florida was the Covid guru God.

Sure look it, you think everything is controlled by China. Reds under the bed syndrome. The WHO is what it is. An under funded multi-national organisation which is hamstrung and somewhat dysfunctional as a result of that under funding.

Instead of advocating to make the institution better, you do what you always do - moan about communism.

That’s not a constructive position. It’s a Ewanist position.

Funding isn’t the issue. They had no better funding in 2003 when SARS-1 hit but they had a competent person at the helm who wasn’t afraid to take on the CCP.

Your defense of the CCP and their puppets the WHO is telling.

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@Tank’s gang badly found out. Again.

Ivermectin is a classic example of how right wing propaganda works. Flood the zone with bullshit so people have to work to expose it as bullshit. The amount of time and energy wasted by good faith, reality based people in exposing right wing bullshit as such is time and energy that could spent in much more productive ways, but isn’t. And that’s the whole point. It’s how dark money funded right wing bullshit works in pretty much every area. It has no compunction whatsoever about flooding the world with lies because it has no morals whatsoever and is essentially fascism.

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This is a terrific deconstruction of the sheer grift and fraud behind the cult of Ivermectin.

It’s a great podcast in general on so many subjects.

Never miss it. The 2 parter they did on Italy and Ethiopia last week was harrowing stuff and also hilarious confirmation of Italy’s sunburnt armpit fighting capacity.

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Haven’t heard that one but it sounds good. I found the ones on Narendra Modi particularly illuminating and disturbing.

Robert Evans has a lovely line in dry, withering humour.

Looks like the Vitamin D grift is next in line for exposing by the intrepid Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz.

Excess vitamin D can actually make acute covid symptoms worse. The symptoms are the body fighting fighting infection to excess. Vitamin D can force the immune system into even more hyperactivity. That’s why steroids can be effective at fighting fighting symptoms, at least in the short term.

I’ve heard it can have negative effects alright.

I think the real problem is that it’s just one more thing the right-wing griftosphere has advertised as basically a (fake) alternative to vaccines.

Any time you hear the words “natural immunity” and people waffling on about diets and the absolute whopper “trust your immune system” (variations of which I’ve seen a good few times on this forum) it’s basically a Trojan horse for anti-vaxx stuff.

I heard excess water can actually cause drowning

Surely you must find Ketamine Pete convincing.

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That @Tank fella has seriously regressed of late