Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Oh my word.

37% of 6,227 is 2304 mate.

Stick to changing spark plugs.

The “study” you’re quoting doesn’t even back up the headline in your link. Fake news.


There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved product available to treat COVID-19.

Hydroxychloroquine sulfate is experimental because we do not know if it works for COVID-19.

It is not approved by FDA for the treatment of COVID-19, but emergency use has been
authorized for adults and adolescents who weigh 50 kg (110 pounds) or more and are
hospitalized with COVID-19 if a clinical trial is not available or you are not able to participate in a clinical trial. There is limited information known about the safety and effectiveness (whether this will make you better) of using hydroxychloroquine sulfate for hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

The American Thoracic Society has endorsed using hydroxychloroquine for sufficiently severe cases of COVID-19.


TFK’s resident medical experts consisting of a tractor mechanic, a vending machine filler, and a pretend journalist say no, how dare doctors try and save lives.

The basis of their argument is that patients on the verge of death should wait six months for clinical trials to be completed.

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Most people take the advice of actual medical experts as to whether something works or not because they know they aren’t experts.

@labane1917 knows literally nothing about medicine but somehow thinks he’s an expert.

The whole thing has been incredibly instructive, really, a live case study in the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Trump met with Novartis at Davos. Trump has financial interests in pushing chloroquine.

I’m not a medical expert mate(although my track record of never having tested positive obviously speaks for itself) but if your study is ascribed mostly to doctors of countries that are fucked from covid 19 or a country that flat out lies about their numbers, then I think we should not leap in 2 footed. Their may be actual solutions that work out there. Have you thought about th PH angle?

@labane1917 why did you claim hydroxychloroquine had been FDA-approved when the FDA themselves specifically said it had not been approved?

It’s because Trump made the same false claim, isn’t it?

There are no approved treatments for COVID-19. A doctor’s primary role is to try and save lives. There is a long history in medicine of using off label drugs in medical emergencies, the FDA have approved hydroxychloroquine for such use. There are reasonably solid scientific reasons why it may work, but you would need to understand how hydroxychloroquine works in terms of biochemistry to have any grasp of them. Clearly none of the clowns arguing here have a bulls notion.

The sad history in Italy and Spain is neither here nor there. Italy in particular was overwhelmed. The reality is that for elderly patients with underlying conditions, most cannot be saved. That’s not the group to look at, the group to look at are younger patients who have a good chance of survival if the disease can be managed. Reducing the severity of the immune system response is key, it’s the overreaction of the immune system that is killing younger healthier people.

My support for the use of hydroxychloroquine is based on (i) the concept of trying to save lives, and (ii) the fact that I would know far more than the average doctor on such matters.

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You are the biggest example of Dunning-Kruger I’ve ever seen.

That’ll drive a few lads absolutely demented. :joy:

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The reality is that he’s only driving himself demented.

Where do you want to have a PH of 5.5?

5.5 isn’t highly acidic btw. A banana is more acidic than that FFS.

The pH of the average stomach is 1.5-3.5.
The low end is literally battery acid.

The lad has a PH of 5.5 in his stomach. No wonder he’s riddled with illness, there’s nothing being digested inside there

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Fucking thousands says he :smiley:

He’s a regular Yogi Bear

I prefer Yogi Berra

“I never said most of the things I said”.