NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19




That Fauci knows nothing, he needs to listen to real experts like Trump and @labane1917.

By the time he gets done with every health worker in the area he’ll wish it didnt

The FDA, faced with the choice of continuing to see people die, or actually try to treat them, have approved the widespread use of hydroxychloroquine and quinine for seriously ill COVID-19 patients.
Millions of doses are being distributed across the US, and doctors are already prescribing it for thousands of patients, and taking it themselves. Several clinical trials are underway involving thousands of patients.

But sure what would those dumb fucks at the FDA know, when we have a medical expert at TFK they should be listening to.


But sure what would those dumb fucks at the FDA know, when we have a medical expert at TFK they should be listening to.

Is your man Fauci not some sort of medical expert? Trump seems to think so does he not?

The spin coming out of the UK would give one ire ( or again in my case phantom ire as such)

Fauci is very much an expert. Yet both @labane1917 and Trump think they know more than Fauci.

Idiots with Dunning-Kruger syndrome generally think they know more than actual experts.

Yes, Fauci is brilliant. All he is saying is that hydroxychloroquine is not approved by the FDA for COVID-19. That would take six months or longer, after clinical trials are complete. Doctors have been prescribing it because there is no approved treatment for COVID-19, and there is some evidence it helps lessen symptoms. It’s a well known drug with minor side effects, so the thinking is the potential benefits outweigh the alternative (death).

Trump hardly came up with the idea himself ffs, even though he will give himself credit obviously.

Can someone ladybird the piece from America about the virus. I only caught the end of it with the health care worker almost in tears saying it was a shambles.

Which piece?

Rte 9 o’clock news, I caught the end of it where there were nurses holding placards asking for more protection

Sorry, don’t get to see RTE unfortunately. There’s a lot of concern alright about nurses and doctors getting infected, and whether individual hospitals have enough PPE. From what I have heard nobody should be near a patient during intubation without the full hazmat outfit, otherwise you are almost certain to get infected.

I read that early in the Italian story, when they are doing the intubation the vapour rises up and pretty much contaminated everything in a fairly wide radius

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Research from US (Arizona I think) says the virus is lingering in the air in rooms of patients that have it but not airborne the way measles is

Edit Nebraska

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None of this means that it works mate. Just fear and greed ruling society at present.
There is no good evidence that it works, none at all.

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Are you arguing against doctors who are prescribing it to try and save lives?
You do understand there are no approved treatments, yes? And that several existing drugs are being tried?
How many deaths are acceptable while we wait for “good” evidence?
A very unusual position.

This Fauci lad is clueless. At least according to our self declared house “expert”.

So if doctors are taking it, and prescribing it does this mean that it’s peer reviewed?