Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Donald trump has a stake in hydroxy chloroquine according to media outlets.

We all do.

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If you own any mutual funds or index funds then you do as well, as would most people who have a retirement account.

I’m not pushing it as a cure mate

Neither am I, but I did say it was worth prescribing for seriously ill COVID-19 patients long before Trump.

Do you think Trump came up with the idea himself ffs.

I thought the conspiracy was Novartis lads?

This was from March 20th

So multiple companies are donating it.

It baffles me sometimes how thick the attacks on Trump are. As I said yesterday, this is about the guy’s ego and wanting to be the hero after making a balls of this early on. That is not to defend the guy, a lot of his early statements on this were irresponsible.

There are lads on here who will literally believe anything they read, as long as fits the narrative in their heads.


It’s actually embarrassing.

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What’s embarrassing is the right wing trump underpant sniffers taking the headline “could be as low as $99” at face value :laughing:

Are you quoting someone else here?

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No mate, unlike most I only have one version of myself here.

So really you only want to give this wonder drug to people who are likely to be less ill anyway? I mean giving it to people who are actuallyreally ill will make no difference to them but might have an adverse effect on the “numbers”

OK then I’ve got this all wrong. You actually do have some expertise in this field. Mind telling me what that is? What qualifications,experience etc?

Forklift driver in a pharmaceutical


Let’s look at this logically. Let’s even pre suppose that Trump had a large share in this company and could benefit significantly financially from this;

  • multiple pharma companies are donating these tablets
  • if there is to be a mass financial benefit for them, they will require this to be widely successful in use of these millions of dosses and then rolled out en masse for a potential second wave
  • let’s say it does work and he benefited financially, would you still be annoyed? Would you be calling out conspiracy on the virus itself, that he did it on purpose? That doctors elsewhere were using it for their own ends? Sounds very much like the “hoax” line Trump used early on

It just baffles me how people can’t stay in lane when criticising him.

The guy is an egomaniac and is sore from looking like a moron for dismissing this early on and wants a cure. He doesn’t want hundreds of thousands of people dying, many of whom are in his core voting demo. He doesn’t want it for the stock market and he doesn’t want it for his re-election.

This came across his desk and he jumped on it as the miracle cure for all of his problems right now. That isn’t defending Trump. It’s irrational and many of the steps he made on this early on were negligent in my view, and should trash his chances at reelection, but this is an irrational line of attack from dumb journalists.


No mate. Do I really have to explain this again?

It is of limited use to elderly patients on ventilators, sadly. There are lots of people dying who are not elderly and not necessarily unhealthy. The reason they are dying is their immune systems are going into overdrive to try and combat the virus, literally a “scorched earth” approach, firing everything they can at it. Think of it like throwing buckets of water on a person who is on fire and drowning them.

The lungs, and other organs are being destroyed by this response, not by the virus itself.
Anything that slows down this vicious immune assault is worthwhile trying, that’s the logic behind hydroxychloroquine, it’s the same logic why it’s used for auto-immune diseases.

No problem. My academic field is Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, most of my career has been in diagnostics, pharma, biotech, etc. The average doctor absolutely shits their pants taking a required Organic Chemistry exam, which is where any scientist in my field starts.


Is your career academic?

No, I’ve done a small but of teaching but almost all my experience is in Industry.

The reason I ask is because I’m technically a computer scientist and any professor I’ve had would be as much use as a fart in a spacesuit on an enterprise project