Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

So what? a BSc? MSc? PhD?

I get the immune systemm’s over reponse. But you are still telling me that this wonder drug makes no difference to people who are very ill. If it makes some minimal difference to people who are less ill, fair enough. But there is no evidence produced yet that it makes any life or death difference.

MSc, with a lot of extra graduate level classes in specific subjects. That’s not what I’m telling you. It makes little difference to elderly people on ventilators, sadly a high percentage of them will pass away. The reason most of them are so sick is pneumonia due to among other things a weakened immune system, the opposite of what I’m talking about. The target group are those that are very ill but can survive the disease. You are underestimating how sick this is making a lot of otherwise healthy younger people. Young healthy people are dying from this.

I’m not calling it a wonder drug, it’s a drug that’s being tried given there are no approved treatment options.


Ah lovely. We have gotten to the CV posting stage of debate


Gas Cunts

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Lads washing down mouthfuls of hydroxychloroquine with pints of tonic water while hurling abuse at @anon7035031.
It’s fascinating to watch.

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They must have been giving MScs away with crisp packets when @labane1917 got one.

Actually, no. I’d say it was Corn Flakes tokens.

I’ve listened to actual experts talk about this. There is a chance it may very slightly speed up the recovery time of people who are going to get better anyway. And that’s about it.

From what you read here you’d think a magical cure had been discovered. Absolutely barmy stuff.

You’re watching a differeent game to me Sur. I haven’t done any hurling in many and many a year and I don’t see too much abuse here either. And it’s alcohol I’m swigging. It’s the answer. I haven’t got Covid yet


If Covid 19 doesn’t ruin their lives, investing hours upon hours into discussion of same will

Sure if they can get them out of ICU a day or two earlier it could make a massive difference to capacity etc

Do I detect a bit of backtracking going on? Expect to see lots more of it in the coming weeks, and rebranding from the usual suspects.

Strategic and ignominious

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self evident”.

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Rebranding is an abhorrent course of action.


I really don’t care tbh. I’d expect little else. Partly I’m bored and ball hopping, but serious in pointing out that there is absolutely no better evidence for hydroxy chloroquine than there is for leeches.
I’m beyond caring what trump does or says. He is not a shrewd man pretending to be thick. He’s an absolute first degree dimwit. Boris is not a shrewd man either. He’s a moderately cunning opportunistic hypocrite and liar.


To be fair, one of the rare things you can do is multitasking.

You’ve been on stages 1 and 2 simultaneously as regards pretty much everything ever since you started posting here.

There is an equal chance it doesn’t.
I’ve no problem trying it as a last resort, it is relatively non toxic, but there is zero good evidence it does any good at all. If anyone thinks Novartis are being munificent, they need their head examined.

Or it is debunked.