Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Hopefully an EU domino effect after Slovakia approving. Fuck the UK, they can have their vaccines.

The Slovaks. A great bunch of lads.
Any politician in any of those eastern bloc countries knows they’re a fuckup away from a bullet. No wonder they’re seeing sense.


Basically it’s over just as soon as our politicians and experts want it to be.
Of course they have to consider a number of factors such as possible complacency among the public, vaccine uptake, sending out messages of false hope, clinical studies and real world data. (That’s roughly how their statement will read if a question is ever put to them)

Congratulations @glenshane

An absolutely stunning Internet victory.


Thanks buddy…the clinical trials were the hardest bit, but we got there. Couldn’t have done it without the support of open minded, free thinking intelligent problem solvers like yourself, @johnnysachs, @Heyyoubehindthebushes, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and others…you know who you are guys.

I also want to thank @Juhniallio. Without his pedantry, obstinate cynicism and negativity and I may have underestimated the size of the battle to win the hearts and minds of a nation.

Open the pubs


My pleasure. There are very few people in the world who can carry all these qualities without spontaneously combusting with the rage. I am one such fellow.

And that’s without finding your grinder

Look, I’m sorry mate. I meant @Julio_Geordio.
And thanks also- I’ve always wanted to admit when I’m wrong. Thanks for finally giving me the opportunity.

It’s actually outrageous that people are still being allowed to die. The profiteers rely heavily on simple lads who talk about big pharma, tinfoil hats and conspiracy theories.

:thinking: :thinking: what exactly does this ivermectin do?

It binds to something or other and prevents it from doing something to something else, and inflammation something…at least that’s my reading of it


It does 4 things. Dr pierre does a nice job of explaining

Bizarre really.
(What a woman)



So Peru has widespread invermectin use - so much so they can’t do clinical trials.

Cases and deaths are on the rise there again, same in Bolivia and other South American countries.

Not everywhere they don’t

It’s the same in Bolivia. The article says it’s widespread (invermectin use). They can’t get people to do clinical trials because they’re all being given invermectin.

Are you that far entrenched you’re willing to believe only people without invermectin are dying?

I think we’re looking at a conservative estimate of 15% based on widespread clinical trials…of infections

I haven’t seen the results of these widespread clinical trials anywhere. They haven’t been finished yet.

If it works it’s a game changer, until its proven, vaccination is the only strategy, to suggest otherwise is reckless

Peru and Bolivia have recently reentered lockdown as the hospitals are getting overwhelmed, sadly

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It’s difficult to see what exactly you’re looking for. I’ve posted numerous links etc above. They’re not based on anecdotal evidence, instead they’re from doctors, university professors, drug experts etc.

I’ve shown countries where invermectin is in widespread use still getting overrun with covid. That’s not anecdotal.

You said there were widespread clinical trials. Where are the results of these? The only one I’ve seen was the in vitro one.