Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

@glenshane let’s see what lies the booklicker fact checker comes out with

If we don’t win a Nobel prize there’s just no justice to be bad

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Its madness how treatments for a disease have been hijacked by politics. Hydrochloroquine was deemed unacceptable and right wing as trump endorsed it. The panic over AZ vaccine all potical too anti brit. It’s madness imagine trying to fight cancer based on political ideology? If the treatment works and data supports it why do we get into here argument


The data doesn’t support either yet. Clinical trials are under way for invermectin at the moment so we should know more soon. Early signs are mixed at best.
The Hydrochloroquine was a complete flop in clinical trials and WHO have discontinued their global trial of it

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@Julio_Geordio has taken the soup from big pharma

You promised me Invermectin was going to save us all.

Save you from what?



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Now that the profits are in it’s OK to endorse Ivermectin :rollseyes:

TFK via @glenshane endorsed Ivermectin last year ffs sake


It’s the most political pandemic ever. If something as deadly as the Spanish flu cane came along you’d hope that the treatment would be more important than the politics and profits

Based on the evidence and papers discussed in this podcast, if we issued ivermectin to the unvaccinated to use provocatively until they received the vaccine (based on supply) we could eliminate covid in ireland. A 2 track approach we can be fully open by August and the vaccination program can wrap up in October with no fear of the variants.

Based on the attitude to antigen tests not a hope nphet will give this approach the blessing


I admire the appetite fellas still have to continue delving into these discussions, papers, podcasts. I’ve personally lost all appetite at this stage but appreciate being able to tap into the efforts, right or wrong, of others here.

Sounds like you’re done with covid

A long time tbh but when you hear headlines of today and restrictions potentially looming again, find myself dipping in to get a better handle.

I think it’s clear that we need to take learnings I the aftermath of covid. The reaction was terrible no matter what side of the argument you take. The purposals from the zero covid crowd would have worked if implemented in Feb 2020. By still going on about it now shows they are headbangers. There was treatments that also worked but were ingorned, by vested interests and people taking an ideology stance such as the orange man is bad.

Censorship on discussion of treatments and opposition to the offical narrative including restrictions was unanimous amongst the MSM. They labelled everything as misinformation but when evidence is produced to back up claims they still suppressed and labelled people conspiracy theorists. While sticking to the original narrative like it’s gospel when it actually turned out to be misinformation itself.

Worlds fucked and is a dangerous place if you want to ask questions

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In February 2020 the WHO advice was

WHO continues to advise against the application of travel or trade restrictions to countries experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks.

If this happens again in our lifetime the suspension of air travel will be immediate.

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Could we have kept Ireland’s ports and airports locked down for 15 months with our diaspora and economic model?

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I suspect not. People want air travel stopped until they can’t get their Amazon or Nike package

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