Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

In general we and the rest of the world did it. On top use of therapeutics it would be over in 3 months. Locking down didn’t work either. We now have a pharmaceutical way out of this mess. Only constraint is getting supply of the vaccinen into a good chuck of the population. I maintain we are there that we are past the 20% fully vaxxed most at risk mark.

Unfortunately there is no cure to moronic decision making from politicians who listen to clearly biased public health officials.

Pandemic has shown that all politics now is driven by real time polling on Twitter. They’ve all copied Trump.

Float a position in morning. Float opposite in afternoon. See what resonates with your chosen demographic and then go with that by evening.

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This is the funniest part of the “listen to the experts” line. I listened to them on this as well, Holohan was spouting it as well. 6 months later they wanted all global travel closed down.

Public health and the WHO have been nakedly political for years, the travel thing is clearly related to a fear that western countries could discriminate against African countries who suffer an Ebola outbreak…

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Nope. The European Commission asked Ireland to remove MHQ and it was gone within hours - it simply isn’t possible for Ireland to operate beyond a few weeks for our immediate trading partners. It’s pie in the sky stuff.

But most, and I’d include global airlines here, would accept a temporary halt from the lines of a China if it avoided the devastation that Covid caused. If there is a new global order on pandemics, we will be apart of it. That’s where NZ can take their credit and give lessons going forward (though they really just learned from SE Asia, but the right on segment paid most attention to the Anglo worldview country applying it). It was simply not something that could have happened after Covid became endemic in Europe and North America.

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Could you fellas take this tedious shit to the appropriate thread?

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Also stating following the science when contradicting it. Reminds of the south park episode where they go hunting, the number 1 rule say its coming right for us before pulling the trigger. That way you can shoot endangered animals

No it will draw comparison to nz and oz.

According to pierre, tess and some lad that invented mrna vaccines ivermectin has the potential to totally eradicate covid…

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Yup and if we use both together as the vaccine supply can’t keep up with demand. 2 solutions in parallel. Sadly we don’t use all tools at our disposal

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Finally got around to listening to this because I’ve a lot of time for Bret Weinstein.

Capitalism has so much to answer for. Assuming all the data is correct, and at this point it’d be more difficult for it to be faked than legit, it’s appalling to think that such an effective and inexpensive solution is at our fingertips but is being stifled at each turn.


It is a great listen. Whats most worrying is the censorship and big tech colluding together to stymie any sort of debate.

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Google should really have to formally address that and explain it. The fact that they can just vaguely drop a hammer down on any topic is such a dangerous road to go down.

And like, normally you’d say, well these guys are highlighting Ivermectin to make money. But that is demonstrably false given that there’s no money to be made from it. The complete opposite seems to be the case which really makes the whole story far more unsettling.

Kudos to Spotify for allowing the conversation to happen.

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Interesting there is a post being widely shared about how quickly big tech shut down “covid misinformation” but can’t do anything about racism. It can’t be hard to create an AI algorithm to block the n word and monkey emojis


Yeah independence is another big thing. Not easy stick your neck out when you have a mortgage to pay and young mouths to feed. History will be kind to those 2 doctors.

Someone tell mcdonkey and his boys about ivermectin? There’s money to be had and the irish scientists know more

Pat Morrissey the GP from Adare has been championing this stuff for the last 12 mths and has been lambasted for saying so.

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It appeared that the authors had run entire paragraphs from press releases and websites about ivermectin and Covid-19 through a thesaurus to change key words. “Humorously, this led to them changing ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome’ to ‘extreme intense respiratory syndrome’ on one occasion,” Lawrence said.

The data also looked suspicious to Lawrence, with the raw data apparently contradicting the study protocol on several occasions.

“The authors claimed to have done the study only on 18-80 year olds, but at least three patients in the dataset were under 18,” Lawrence said.

“The authors claimed they conducted the study between the 8th of June and 20th of September 2020, however most of the patients who died were admitted into hospital and died before the 8th of June according to the raw data. The data was also terribly formatted, and includes one patient who left hospital on the non-existent date of 31/06/2020.”

:rofl: :rofl:


Let me guess, the mentallers were promoting this as a treatment for a virus that doesn’t exist?

I think what might have happened was that some concerned people, even some on here, became convinced of the efficacy of Ivermectin and began dosing themselves with it. The Ivermectin turned them into mentallers who became virus deniers. @glenshane I’m looking at you, pal.