Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

You lads are addicted to drama, hysteria and gloom. You want the all powerful nanny state to issue you will clear warnings on one hand and clear instructions on the other. You’ve voluntarily deafened, blinded and anaesthetised to reason,.logic and observation. Whatever natural intelligence you possess has been bound up in confirming your bias and weeding out forbidden thoughts and attitudes.
It’s a shocking state of affairs.

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The virus is a cod but this stuff works to prevent or cure it. It turns out Ivermectin turns out to be a cod too. The virus is a cod but how dare you criticise the cod treatment. No wonder they’re mental.


It’s almost as bad as Neil Fergusson’s predictive modelling.

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Lads clutching at straws in the hope that a treatment doesn’t work

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Science vindicated. Again

There’s a simple rule of thumb that makes navigating the world of online information very easy. Anything being furiously pushed by right wing culture warriors can about 99% of the time be correctly assumed to be bullshit.

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If you’re interested this is well worth a listen. Tess Lawrie is well placed to assess efficacy, safety etc of ivermectin and vaccines, she’s also an analyst and consultant to the WHO and the UK government. In her own words she’s never seen such a huge body of evidence (in favour of ivermectin)to be ignored, she also points out serious concerns and under reporting of deaths associated with the vaccine. She notes that when an adverse reaction to the vaccine is recorded then the case is closed, if this reaction leads to a death it isn’t noted.

(…and it’ll drive the usual suspects demented)


Bret Weinstein eh.

Oh fuck off

Joe Rogan does not approve brah.

It’s about ideas brah.

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Is there a point raised which you wish to address? Sure rogan had him on his podcast, not that that’s relevant. This playing the man bs is beneath a lad with such a proud record of shooting crows

Bullet point: Brazil’s largest manufacturer of Ivermectin funded an advertising campaign for Brazil’s equivalent of the sham US group “Frontline Critical Care Alliance”, a lobby group for Ivermectin. Sales of Ivermectin then rocketed.

It’s gas that the Ivermectin cultists, who are generally all in on the “Big Pharma is evil” mantra, are themselves tools of and cheerleaders for the very worst behaviour of Big Pharma.

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Sure she is.

She’s a mate of David Icke, although who knows, maybe her association with him is nothing to do with wacko far right grifting and could be down to her being a big fan of his television sports presenting in the 1980s. Yeah, I’d say that’s it, alright.

He does this eradication is possible like in NZ, that’s a bit of a black mark against him tbf but not every position is going to be correct.

Maybe @mikehunt , @Malarkey etc can make sense out of this?

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giphy (32)


Mike will wait and respond when he has been told what to say.