Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Not feeling the love mike. Not feeling it at all

Mike will come round. The news from England has been sore on a lot of lads

I’m not sure he will. He is attaching himself to the crazy element recently. Very entrenched in his views and not bright enough to get a read on things.

tenor - 2021-07-29T144801.370

We can still reach him. We must keep trying


Where we at with Ivermectin - is it set to be widely used soon?

It is being widely used elsewhere. But some governments would rather let people die than use it to save lives.

You reckon Big Pharma are behind the “ethical concerns” on the Egyptian study?

One theory is that big pharma are developing their own slightly altered version for patent purposes. And this is the reason invermectin use is being attacked relentlessly. Once it’s developed they can announce a new wonder drug to the market and make more billions. Who knows what to believe though…

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Interesting … I havent followed its fortunes in months.

Yes, on cattle.


It’s on the WHO’S list of essential medicines. Billions of doses have been administered to people, cattle etc

For yourself, @Thomas_Brady and other open minded individuals…and @Fagan_ODowd

Merck developed Ivermectin in the 1970s (William Campbell of Merck received a Nobel prize for the work) and introduced it to the market in 1981, but it has long been a generic so not of much interest financially to Merck. It has been safely administered to hundreds of millions for parasite infections and is referred to as a wonder drug. Ivermectin has been previously shown to have antiviral properties for several diseases, and there have been a number of small clinical trials that suggest Ivermectin reduces viral load in Covid patients, and studies that show it destroys SARS-2 virus in cells (in vitro). The FDA have zero interest in conducting studies or approving Ivermectin on an emergency usage basis, and have been warning of it’s use for Covid, even though it has been safely administered to hundreds of millions of patients under FDA approval. It is imo an obvious drug for off label use to treat early stage Covid, given there are no approved treatments for Covid.

Merck have spent over a billion trying to develop an anti viral for Covid, one was abandoned at a cost of $500M and the latest one molnupiravir failed phase 2 of clinical trials for hospitalized Covid patients, but they are moving on to phase 3 for early state Covid patients even though phase 2 showed very limited benefits. The US government has just purchased $1.2 billion of this new drug and it is expected to receive emergency authorization in October, for a drug with no long term safety data and no demonstrated benefits as yet

Make what you will of all that.


I’ll freely admit that I don’t deserve all the credit

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The results of a new double bluff study are in and Liam Harnan endorses it.

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Yeah, the whole pandemic could have been avoided.

Trillions were lost for the craic.

Rather than a massive global conspiracy the reality is, no one is using invermectin because it hasn’t been proven to work. There are a few trials, all small or flawed and the results are mixed. Latest update was that a review of all studies found it might have some benefits. That study has been withdrawn

I haven’t read the article above from WSJ, but a quick google of it’s authors suggests that David Henderson is an economics professor and a climate change denier.

The true story is that small scale trials have been inconclusive, so there’s been no great push for large scale trials. There is admittedly also the problem that no big pharma company will want to push it or pay for the large scale trials.

The WHO has and is running proper clinical trials on promising treatments. Hydroxychloroquine the previous low cost miracle drug was included in this and withdrawn as it was shown to in fact be the opposite of helpful and so it was unsafe to continue with it in the study. Several other “big pharma” drugs were also included and also withdrawn from the study. This kind of blows the global conspircacy to cover up a miracle cure to benefit big pharma out of the water. But how and ever.

I don’t rule out invermectin having some benefit. But the science is far from conclusive. If it was, we would be using it. You think Boris or Bolsanaro are ignoring a miracle drug which could save their arses?


Just accept that TFK knows more than the combined weight of the entire medical profession worldwide and every national government on earth.