Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

The entire medical profession have been shown up as halfwits through Covid. It’s sad when the smartest kid in the class turns out to be a dunce.

The sanest and most eloquent post on this topic in a long time.

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I have a relative overseas who tested positive for SARS-COV-2 and was immediately prescribed hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

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You dopey fucker. A few trials? Tess Laurie’s group included dozens of trials in their ‘meta analysis’ and found it to be highly effective - both as treatment and for prevention. It is being widely used in many countries, the fact that it hasn’t found acceptance in your particular corner of the parish is neither here nor there
Meta analysis mind you!


Have you taken a vow of stupidity?

Sure if it was eloquent it would have included several references to kangaroos or whatever

R (1)

How the fuck is that the simple answer? How does the FDA control every government on earth? The Indians, the Chinese, the Brazilians, every European country, every African country, the Russians?

Also there is a large scale trial as far as I know, the WHO tried / are trying one.

Ffs. Shur you yourself just spoke for “the entire medical establishment” and you just a harmless lad from monaghan. God knows what the FDA are capable of.

Try reading what I posted before such making silly outbursts.

Tess Lawrie shares stages with David Icke.

This thread demolishes that article. The eejits who wrote the article didn’t even know that “study” on Ivermectin had been discredited, as was widely reported two weeks ago. The opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal are essentially soiled toilet paper.

So ivermectin is a fraud or the greatest medicine known to man… I guess we’ll never know the truth.

It’s a wonderful medicine, whether it’s effective against Covid is still under investigation.

Article rejection: Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19.

Dr. Frederick Fenter, Chief Executive Editor of Frontiers:

“Regardless of the publication stage or subject of a manuscript, if the integrity of an article is called into question, our policy is to investigate. Upon further scrutiny by our Research Integrity team about the objectivity of this paper during the provisional acceptance phase, it was revealed that the article made a series of strong, unsupported claims based on studies with insufficient statistical significance, and at times, without the use of control groups. Further, the authors promoted their own specific ivermectin-based treatment which is inappropriate for a review article and against our editorial policies.

“In our view, this paper does not offer an objective nor balanced scientific contribution to the evaluation of ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19. Frontiers’ has published more than 2,000 rigorously peer-reviewed articles on COVID-19 since the pandemic erupted via our Coronavirus Knowledge Hub, and we are acutely aware of just how critical high-quality, objective research in this area is at this time. Frontiers takes no position on the efficacy of ivermectin as a treatment of patients with COVID-19, however, we do take a very firm stance against unbalanced or unsupported scientific conclusions.

“Our concerns were discussed by the handling editor and myself, and then further investigated by an external expert. The decision was made to reject the paper prior to publication, which was communicated to the authors via the normal channels. We note that last week the authors offered a revised version of their paper for consideration, based on the concerns discussed with the Handling Editor. Should the authors formally submit the revised manuscript, and should our concerns be addressed in this new version, the updated paper will be assessed for publication according to our standard review process. The original version has been published by the authors on their website and is available for all to read and to judge for themselves.”

You can be fairly sure that you or your loved ones certainly won’t be given access to it should you be struck down with this most political of viruses. I suppose those that have been treated successfully with ivermectin are anti vaxxers or some such, right wing not jobs who hadn’t the decency to exit stage left (@iron_mike …geddit?)

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It was published by the American Journal of Therapeutics, a very reputable journal. Frontiers rejected to due to the Eqyptian study which has attracted a lot of attention. Once again, that was one study of 27 that have been conducted.

I have an open mind on Ivermectin, and think it deserves broader study. Keep in mind we have no approved therapeutic treatment, other than steroids really to reduce inflammation. Any antiviral showing promise should be thoroughly investigated.

Ivermectin is a generic medicine. There is very little money to be made.

The experimental gene vaxxs are worth billions to the big pharma cartels.

Thats the crux of it mate.

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The authors don’t appear to be very reputable. Neither does anybody heavily pushing Ivermectin.

I could use words like “corrupt” or “fraud”, but I won’t.

Kory was one of the first to recommend steroids in May of 2020, it has saved thousands of lives. I wouldn’t discount his opinions. I’m sure you have more expensive medical training though.