Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

I’ll trust my own judgment as to who is trustworthy, thanks. It’s been on the money so far.

See there’s your problem right there.

Dear Mr Donnelly


Same lad here last October. Real heroes swimming against the tide.

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The halfwits who say they only listen to experts will have to contort themselves on that one. No doubt they will try and attack the messengers rather than debate the point.


Lads on here could tie a tweet listing the score of a football match back to right wing politics and culture wars.


A cheap easy preventative and treatment.
Lads would rather let people die needlessly than be seen to go against wokeness or whatever it is that they define themselves by.
But that’s neither here nor there. The real scandal is politicians and chosen experts deliberately feigning ignorance. If there was any justice they’d do time, be thrown in the liffey etc


It’s this sort of commentary that makes you a top top poster. I confidently predict that even @Malarkey will give you a ‘like’ here.

May’s edition of the bmj contains a review of covid prophylaxis drugs. A few months old but still …

Fair play to Pat


Give us our ivermectin you cunts.

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Uttar Pradesh on Ivermectin: Population 240 Million [4.9% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 26

COVID Daily Deaths: 3

Only 26 cases out of 240 million people with a vaccination rate below 5% because the whole population is doing ivermectin. Looks legit, get it into me.


Talkback now

Herd immunity y’all

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Oul shite. Every expert wheeled out for MSM touts some flawed Egyptian study in an attempt to sound serious…whatever about the 70+ other studies plus real world data. That tramp luke o’neill was at the same carry on…suckling his teeth and cooking his head for the simple folk. Crawley is some worthless tub

You OK hun?

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@glenshane relaxing at home:

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