Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

I heard Luke O’Neil talking about this on the radio during the week, said it showed some promise but results were inconclusive, you can’t be fairer than that.

It strikes me that it’s the lads who are fearful of vaccination due to a rushed testing process that are mad to pump us full of this stuff?


Contrarian cunts.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

Chuck Norris is a 3rd cousin of mine too believe it or not….

Some lads would drown themselves in a bath of sheep dip because Alex Jones told them to.

False equivalence. Ivermectin has been used in medicine since 1981, administered to millions of people, and has been shown to be a very safe drug. It is a very well established antiviral so there are valid reasons for doctors to prescribe it when there was no known therapeutic treatment for Covid that worked. It is a valid criticism that not one of the global pharma companies were willing to spend money on a clinical trial for a drug that showed promise, but they were willing to spend billions on newly discovered drugs that didn’t work.

People are vaccine hesitant for a number of reasons. Some of it is based on ignorance, but there are significant numbers who have valid concerns about longer term effects which are unknown. I know a number of doctors and other medical professionals who have not been vaccinated and refuse to be vaccinated even if it means losing their jobs. Whatever else these people are they are not stupid.


Its not possible for a doctor or a nurse to be stupid?

Of course it is, but on medical matters they would know a lot more than the likes of you obviously.

Can you think of any valid reasons to be vaccine hesident from a medical standpoint?


And the simple answer is that Ivermectin doesn’t work.

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According to your vast medical and scientific knowledge? Did you read and understand all the studies to come to that conclusion?

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‘Appeal to authority’ fallacy. Now stick your ‘false equivalency’ bollocksology up your hole and shove your witchdoctor remedies up there as well.


There is not some conspiracy. There has been no study that backs up Ivermectin being effective in treating Covid.

And its proponents have had ample time to come up with something, anything. And they have failed miserably.

It’s as simple as that.

Ivermectin only retains prominence in public discourse because it is being pushed as yet another front in the insane worldwide right-wing war of disinformation.

It’s not a appeal to authority as it’s a fact that a medical professional knows a lot more about medicine that a moron whigger from east Cork.

Answer the question (you won’t because of your moron status), can you think of any reason to be vaccine hesitant?

He mentioned vaccine hesitancy earlier. Not once has he even acknowledged that the biggest factor in vaccine hestitancy is propaganda pushed overwhelmingly by a worldwide right-wing disinformation war, never mind castigate the people who perpetuate this right-wing disinformation war.

Sunken costs.

Then why would one of Ireland’s most distinguished scientists say it “showed promise”. There are many studies that show promise, so it is well worth a larger study.

If it saved one life it is worth administering as it is a very safe drug.

Can you answer the question as to valid reasons why people might be vaccine hesitant?

There is no conspiracy against Ivermectin. Those who are pushing it have come up with nothing.

They are the conspiracists.

Ask yourself why every two bit grifter and fraud out to make a quick buck and a name for themselves is pushing it and no reputable doctor or scientist is.

People do not have “valid reasons” to be vaccine hesitant.

They have irrational, bullshit “reasons” which are created and indulged by people who openly push idiocy or have a vested interest in indulging it for their own personal gain.

There is no money to be made on Ivermectin. That is the simple Occam’s razor answer to all your questions on the subject.

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If Ivermectin worked, there are astronomical profits to be made.

In Brazil, that’s exactly what the profiteers have bene trying to do.

The Occam’s Razor is it doesn’t work. Just like hydroxychloroquine, which you also pushed here, didn’t work.