Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Wait a minute. Didn’t pasta come from China :thinking::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

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Will we start a clinical trial lads? Everyone on this thread drink a few glasses of tonic water a day, with or without gin or vodka. It’s perfectly safe, there’s only 83mg quinine in a liter bottle, the Indians take 1,000 mg a day to keep malaria away.

I’m starting anyway.

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My Indian workmates smell like curry. Prove me wrong @Thomas_Brady

Sounds good. Take one pint glass, fire in one negroni, top with ice and tonic. Up the rebels

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I lived with a Chinese lad once upon a time and he fucking reeked of that Chinese 5 spice

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Corona with a slice of Lyme on top would be some combination to get.

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You put the lyme in the coconut and drink em both up


It’s a pity sids not around to hear this. Maybe we could have saved him.

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He hasn’t gone away you know, so I’m told anyway.

I think I’ve cracked it lads, something that has bothered me for weeks.

There’s something about the Chinese data that makes absolutely no sense. I’ve mistakenly put it down to lying, but lying has to have an advantage and there’s no obvious advantage here. At the end of January the virus had spread to all 31 Chinese provinces with hundreds infected in each. Hundreds of millions had traveled throughput China for Chinese New Year, the place was riddled, they must have had millions infected in early February.

And yet, if you look at the data since, almost nobody died in those other provinces, and literally everyone has recovered. How the fuck can that be, when lesser numbers infected in other countries that has left thousands dead. The answer of course is they have found an effective treatment. Now, I’m not saying it is quinine or quinine only, but the Chinese don’t give a fuck about FDA type regulations, they give a fuck about preventing revolution.

I’d say we are close to a treatment regime, with quinine an important ingredient.

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No point releasing a lethal virus unless you have the cure


How many of us will they let die before giving us the cure? I suppose whatever number they can keep in submission. Time to learn a few Mandarin focal.

I think we have it pal. Italians don’t drink gin.

Genuinely I think Irish people have taken this seriously. We’re not mugs. We’re by definition pessimistic. We’ll sort this by May.

I’ve also been wondering about that. How the fuck are they declaring no new cases of community transmission in all of Chi-Na? Them having the treatment but keeping it to themselves never came up. I went for the straight… they’re lying.

Severe lack of gin intake in lombardy

All on the montepulciano

Nor do the Spanish. I remember ordering a gin and tonic with a mate in Galicia when we were on our way to the store and got sidetracked, explaining it in pigeon Spanish, and we got a pint of gin each. We stayed for a few rounds and then went back to our hotel and convinced them to let us cook a paella on aluminium trays in their garden and burned half their shrubbery. True story.


There is absolutely no way they have managed to get to zero community transmission. They must have been at nearly half a million cases to be getting the the numbers they were.
You can’t just stop that.

So they either cured everyone or shot everyone with a temperature. I’m starting to doubt myself now.

There is a chance they shot everyone and then cured them. Beautiful meat dishes over there.