Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Corona chow mein

Pick one.


At least you’ve no regrets

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Maybe they cured them with salt or smoke.

I told you two months ago they were lying. That the numbers were way bigger.

they are lying primitive scumbags, they need to pay for what they have done

the chinese are horrific individuals - their administration has no regard for human life as illustrated by the fact that they permit a fella to slaughter a chicken on a table in close proximity to a cage of monkeys in one of their “markets” meaning that hygiene is something that is ignored- that should be a criminal offense, it is negligent and portrays a disregard for human life.
Their pathetic attempts to show they have reacted are merely to save face - not to mention the fact that doctors called this early were silenced early doors. - they simply dont care and have little regard for human life
It is a an horrific state of affairs and a shocking indictment of their state - no credance can be given to any numbers w.r.t the reduction of dead and infected out of the place as the regime have a proven track record of secrecy and their people by default are afraid to talk and share information
They are absolute scum.

it wouldn’t suprise me if this was a experiment in biological weapons either , the doctors were silenced early doors and their “markets” are internally reowned as filthy so it is easy for the regieme to blame it on a simpleton farmer - also their refusal to engage in a constructive fashion in order to find a vaccine and communicate their findings on the “virus” to medical research facilities is typical

Trump by and large is a blundering buffoon and whilst it is not in the interests of diplomacy i dont have an issue in this been called a China virus… it is what it is and the responsibilty lies with them


Chi-na virus


when it hits Africa hard it will be horrendous because of those Chinese cunts, pray for Africa, a very unlucky continent.

crab season is huge for Chinese people… We’ve a clatter of Chinese in our work place. Anyway, I won’t go near the back kitchen anymore ss thats where they ate. The fucking stink is horrific… An Italian girl came screaming out of there one day. She was going to get her lunch from the fridge and the bag next to hers started moving… One of the Chinese fella’s had brought in a crab for one of his mates… FFS.


are the Chinese take aways still going in Ireland? we have ostracised the bastards here in London

I was chatting to a lady one day in work. She had worked for years as a health board inspector of restaurants and the likes. She said by far the least hygiene friendly kitchens were those of Chinese restaurants. It was just that they had a totally different concept of food hygiene than us. Uncooked chicken was often just kept in water and not neccessarily in the fridge. Cooked and raw chicken beside each other. And filthy kitchens which obviously hadnt been cleaned properly in ages. She used to dread going into them.
Conversely, she said the Italian chippers were usually spot on. Great pride in their workplace and quality. Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

I’ve a post somewhere else here about the day myself and some mates were having street food after ball one night in chaoyang park and the meat van came to deliver to the restaurant. Its still burnt into my memory. Fucking filthy. But shure we’d already eaten so we laughed it off…


That’s mad. I haven’t had crabs since my early twenties.

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Silver linings sure, you’re probably immune to the virus.

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The old rowing joke.

Its designed to take out the traditional big winners in the Olympics - The Japs have orchestrated this whole scenario.
Obviously very tongue in cheek but there is an undeniable correlation.

rank Team total games gold silver bronze Total
1 United States 27 1,022 794 704 2,520
2 Soviet Union 10 440 357 325 1122
3 Germany 24 275 313 349 937
4 Great Britain 28 263 295 289 847
5 France 28 212 241 260 713
6 Italy 27 206 178 193 577
7 China 10 227 165 151 543

Lyme disease is getting pretty common, actually a few celebs have it, you can live with it and there’s no cure for it afaik

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Trump has just claimed that Hydroxychloroquine cured a man who was dying of CIVID-19 and had said his goodbyes to his family.

If this is true he will serve as emperor until his death and then be replaced by Ivanka.

And you won’t believe in God but you believe that?
