Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

You’re spoofing as the article was amended after they originally published it and you posted here (to include that clarification) It obviously sounded like complete horseshit but the lure of a bit of fearmongering gets in the way of facts

People shouldn’t be afraid of taking horse paste that makes them shit out their intestinal lining?

Youse lads really don’t do yisserselves any favours a tall a tall in terms of being taken seriously.

Ivermectin is a human drug with a different form used for horses. You know this, of course.


And are you saying that people should not be afraid of taking Ivermectin horse paste, as many people are?

You’re making no sense, again. I’m saying the Guardian article was fearmongering nonsense which of course they had to admit once your man was outed as a spoofer.

I’ll ask the question again because you didn’t answer it.

Are you saying that people shouldn’t have any fear of taking Ivermectin horse paste?

Who’s advocating for anyone to take horse paste?

Answer the question. Are you saying that people shouldn’t have any fear of taking Ivermectin horse paste?

@Cheasty needs to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and stop the conspiracy theories.

I can’t believe I am saying this, but don’t take the horse paste !

It’s a ridiculously stupid question. It’s akin to asking are you saying people shouldn’t have any fear of taking garden pesticides.

No one is advocating for anyone to take horse Ivermectin.

People should have no fear of taking the human Ivermectin.

The guardian/covid /vaccine fanatics/lockdown weirdos and then the freaks like yourself are deliberately trying to blur the line between regular use of Ivermectin as a possible treatment option for covid and the horse paste version. Articles like the one they had to issue a clarification for are a classic case of spreading fearmongering…

‘hospitals are overcrowded due to people being admitted for using Ivermectin horse paste, the idiots’ Eh they’re not. I.e. fearmongering.

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Mocking people who take horse medicine rather than human medicine is in very bad taste. But mocking people who they see as inferior is standard fare from the ultra woke left.


Sorry to butt in here but someone must have advocated or recommended horse Ivermectin as a safe alternative to those people who took it.

took a wee while but it got there.

So you’re saying people should fear the effects of taking Ivermectin horse paste? Yes?

Really? This is the FLCCC’s “researcher of choice”.

So why have the FDA, the WHO and the NIH all said that people should NOT take Ivermectin for Covid outside of strict medical trials?

Loads of people are literally using horse paste. They’re shitting out their intestines.

That’s on the Ivermectin advocates. Isn’t it? They have refused to put out a strong message that people should not take Ivermectin horse paste.

Why is that?

There is no serious evidence that Ivermectin of any sort works against Covid.

How? Come off it, mate, the anti-science, anti-science, fantasy reactionary right-wing culture war worldview you have bought into wholesale and decided to set yourself up as an arch defender of here is what has people in hospital shitting out their insides from Ivermectin.

And you know that. And it embarrasses you. So you’re deflecting away from these insane unfounded beliefs being shown up for what they are.

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Why would you think that? They may be out there but I’m not aware of anyone recommending Ivermectin horse paste and anyone publicly recommending it should be prosecuted.

There have been lots of insane reports out there, a report in 2020 that went viral claimed that 59 people in South Africa died after drinking Dettol. It was false.

Who’s mocking them? They are victims. Victims of the sort of people you refuse to call out and have refused to call out for years.

In the name of false balance.

You have referred to people like this as stupid. I agree they are victims of stupidity as no one is recommending Ivermectin horse paste. Can you post up a public recommendation from anyone that recommends people take Ivermectin horse paste?

Your post boils down to some rando on twitter and you ranting and raving. No one is advocating the use of horse paste. That’s a fantasy. Hospitals are not overcrowded due to horse paste use, as the guardian claimed. That’s a fantasy. If a doctor prescribes Ivermectin as a treatment drug, no one should fear using it, as it is not harmful, this is proven.

Blah, blah, rightwing. You should consider using your time in a more productive manner.


They are stupid. That’s a fact. They’re stupid because they’re force fed a diet of informational garbage.

They are victims.

That’s not the question.

The question is: who among Ivermectin proponents in the public eye has issued an unequivocal statement that people should NOT take Ivermectin horse paste?

The problem with that is - they can’t and won’t - because they’re already defying the advice of the FDA, the WHO and the NIH. It is blindingly obvious that Ivermectin campaigners in the public eye have become yet one more arm of the anti-vaccine, anti-science movement who are cosplaying as fake “heroes of the people”. In reality they’re a bunch of vultures peddling a bunch of easy answers to gullible people, telling them what they want to hear. That’s predatory.

Osgood is only one of them I’ve come across who seems to have any remote semblance of integrity whatsoever, after his public qualms of conscience over his past activity.

And that seeming silence from prominent Ivermectin proponents as regards warning people of the dangers of horse paste is tacit approval of people taking horse paste. It’s cowardly, it’s anti-science and it’s morally repugnant because it’s causing real human harm.