Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Vitamin D deficiency is a huge issue but mysteriously lumped into the conspiracy theory bucket. Vit D deficiency is strongly associated with severity of Covid disease, this is firmly established in studies in developing countries like India. It also explains why people of color outnumber white populations in terms of severe Covid, close to 20% of non Hispanic blacks in the US are susceptible to Vit D deficiency versus 2% of the white population.

The bigger issue though is obesity, close to 10% of the world’s population are obese, including over 40 million children under 5 years of age. This is heavily skewed by western countries, especially the US where over 40% of adults are obese. Not alone does obesity interfere with immune response to infection, vaccines do not work as well as intended in obese individuals, also clearly established by the SCIENCE.

Outside of the elderly population where waning immunity is normal and difficult to reverse, this is largely a pandemic of the overweight and unhealthy. But governments won’t say this because it’s politically incorrect. If governments had actually focused on public health they would have strongly recommended Vit D supplements and strongly recommended nutrition and exercise to get to a healthy weight. Instead, we got don’t go to the park or beach and don’t go more than 5km from your house.


Why are we talking about Vitamin D?

Has somebody on TFK dissed it? I’d have assumed everybody was on board with vitamin D?


And guess what lockdowns have caused?

Well the video addresses the scandal that governments haven’t promoted it. It also discusses its importance in relation to general health, advises correct dosage and recommends k2 to aid absorption.
But I appreciate that you already know all this


here, I haven’t the time to be watchin videos. what sort of vitamin d should I be horse (worm) ing into me? d2 or d3?


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“All adults should take Vitamin D, health committee says” All adults should take Vitamin D, health committee says 

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Just listen to the video sure.
I can’t believe you’re already into vitamin d. You’ve only gone and shattered @backinatracksuit’s assumptions

My oul bones have been demanding it for years along with the oul calcium supplement. keeps me of the zimmer.

Is that your idea of promoting a game changing intervention during a pandemic?
Fair play to Leo and luke…they know they’re negligent so the muttered a few recommendations out of the corner of their mouths…i think leo shuffled out “probably been mentioned… no harm etc” . I’d say they’ve one eye on a public inquiry


ah fuck! I’ll have to re-brand now!

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Is this what it’s come to? Lads claiming a victory because it turns out that Vitamin D has health benefits :grinning:


you have to give them something

We’re promoting good health here. There’s no need to take it personally

You’ve performed a stellar service here today a chara. Dismiss/Ignore the naysayers.

Sure isn’t it worth it if I can just save one of us from any of the wide range of debilitating illnesses that vitamin d deficiency may cause?

Besides, it’s the ivermectin and vitamin d forum after all.

And yer man Dr John Campbell has had an exemplary pandemic. His interviews with Dr Tess Lawrie, along with his recent analysis of pfizermectin have the usual suspects hopping like seething sausages

God be the days when @glenshane was asking for help finding a woman.

Are you sure it wasn’t help in getting rid of a woman?

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I was probably stoned off me box so who knows.