J1 - Summer in the Sun

He knows a hell of a lot of fine detail and trivia about the GAA for a lad from North London.
How do you know he is from North London?

He said it the other day.

Do you believe everything people say here?

Of course I do, who could possibly lie on the INTERNET?

So she wouldnt recognize the first cabinet minister to come out openly? She muat be some ostrich

He was still a member of the cabinet and quite a well known one.

Saying that, he would be in no way as recognisable as a Charlie, Albert, Bertie, Enda, etc. Just like his political persona, his outward demeanour is dull and drab, at least Enda would give you an aul high 5 or the likes.

And @GeoffreyBoycott is a gent of a man from a neighbouring county of my own.

He’s probably not on chapsnat.

A lot of women folk of all ages have no interest in current affairs - there’s plenty more like that young girl. Hopefully she is having a great summer in Chicago.

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Mate, no offence like but that would make you the unusual one in a competition with this girl off having a laugh in Chicago,
Lads with the ‘country’s fucked’ attitude over these trivialities are taking it a bit seriously, I’d rather a 20 year old was off enjoying herself than marching with the leftie loonballs

The saddest thing of the whole lot of this is the fact that it managed to make national media.
"20 year old fails to ro recognise Taoiseach "
Shock, Horror

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Think it’s just one of those inoffensive, mildly amusing, human interest stories that are often bolted on at the end of the news (unless it was contrived to make Leo seem like a ledge). Harmless stuff really.

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at the end of the day, he’s the pm of a mickey mouse tinpot banana republic in the the arse end of nowhere, I love the way some Orish are getting outraged that he wasn’t recognised

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I don’t think this young lady would be much use at a table quiz.

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Not necessarily, I’m sure her skills at using her phone under the table far exceed your own,

Young people are becoming increasingly more and more alienated from politics - which is fine by politicians as they get to do what they want. The current generation are too involved in their own lives - getting likes and having fun. There’s nothing wrong with it, and it’s great that a generation have little to worry about other than being bullied or shamed on social media.

However, where’s the youth culture? The voice of dissonance? backbone? Mods, rockers, disco, punk, new age, rappers, metallers, ravers… now, nothing - Most social change over the last 50/60 years has been driven by young people - The current lot haven’t an ounce of gumption, and you have to blame their parents and their teachers. They are as soft as shit- and why should they go out and fight for anything when they’ve been handed everything all their life.

What the fuck are they being taught about the world in schools at all?

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The failure by the young to engage in politics has opened the door for the older generations to rob them barefaced and heap staggering amounts of debt and pension debt on them. This generation will be substantially worse off than their predecessors. It’s not supposed to work like that. It’s supposed to work the other way.


The likes of @Brimmer_Bradley giving them iphones with one hand, and robbing them with the other.

It’s connected to the post I made on the suicide thread.
Technology has passed my generation by and we’re afraid of our shit of it.
Secondly I feel our national identity has become irrelevant to the younger generation.
My eldest wants to drop history as she enters her leaving cert course. This is of course is her right but when I asked her why she stated that history was in the past and should be forgotten about, it knocked me for six.
In order to realise our own identity, we need to recognise where we are, and by definition where we came from. Only then will we realise who we want to be and where we want to go.
We talk about holocaust denial. In another couple of generations, it won’t even be debated as noone will know about it

History is a hoor to get a good grade in. Leave her be she’s right.


I agree with you, but History at second level is a farce - who, what, where, when but no why - that’s the problem with our education system.

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Leaving cert history is a piece of piss, bit of work and good guidance and you’d have your A, zero analysis required, a memory game and a formula in how to answer questions.