J1 - Summer in the Sun

The rodent giving it big licks about parenting here and he can’t organise his own life.
You couldn’t make it up.

A I will Fagan. I managed a B. As I said it was her answer to me. If she had said , History is a hoor to get a good grade in. I would have been happier

Didn’t Ruari Quinn want to make it optional for Junior cert? Is this now the case?

To get an All-Ireland, you have to do an awful lot of writing in not a lot of time. And learning stuff off by heart is a big pile of shit.

Definitely doable obviously, but a lot easier if you have an interest (same goes for everything, I suppose).

Still, I did history for the Leaving and it was one of the few subjects I genuinely enjoyed doing.

Not sure mate, my kids are still in primary, I wouldn’t agree with that though, sure it’s just extra English though.

Not true mate, the answers don’t have to be that long, just relevant and well thought out.

As @Aristotle, it was a subject I enjoyed right through secondary. I think its important that it be retained up to junior cert at least.

That sounds like a piece of piss for someone who just learns pages of notes off by heart but not for people who actually have an interest in history

That’s true, what I was getting at.
Having an interest never hurt anybody though, makes it easier

It’s not history - it’s a story, with a collection of dates and people told in a neat start and finish package.

We had a teacher who used to correct leaving cert papers and he was always insistent that you had to make a certain number of points for each question. Which is fair enough. But to fit the points they were looking for into any sort of coherent narrative, you would have to write a fair bit. You can’t just land a few bullet points down like.

Now, admittedly, I always had the tendency to get carried away and write way more than necessary (as people can no doubt tell from my posts on here),but even still you’d be looking at 3 pages minimum per question if you want to make your points, back them up and link them together. A lot of people struggled with this.

I believe the history exam is all changed since our day to address this issue. I never did History for the leaving because it was supposedly very hard to get a good grade in. A pity really as I read history for fun these days and did a fair bit then as well.

Sometimes less is more mate, we had a teacher who would cross out half our answers to show us the nonsense filler we had wasted our time on,
Six paragraphs per question, 2 points in each, tell the story they want to hear from how the question was phrased.
@Julio_Geordio the time period covered has been expanded but the type of question and method of answering are the same, the old ‘special topic’ has been replaced by a document review thingy.

With millennials on the one hand we’ve had a cosseted upbringing. Instead of saving for house deposits, we eat avocado toast brunches and Instagram about it after. More millenials are likely to hang around college doing useless degrees and masters, and live with their parents longer. Millenials are also responsible for destroying discourse by handing over their collective voice to the loudmouths on social media. On the other, millenials will pay for the sins of their parents when they are both 90+ and drawing down underfunded pensions.

At least millenials got out there and enjoyed themselves a bit though. The poor members of the post millenial generation are stuck in their smartphones for the rest of their lives.

On voting, is that really true? I’m pretty sure that 20 years ago similar things would have been said.

It seems the tide has turned if you look at the last UK election. But many of them voted for the same selfish reasons their parents did- they want their student loans on their useless degrees forgiven. They also have been caught up in the delusion that Jeremy Corbyn is pro Europe. Influenced by the likes of Stormzy ffs.

One way to sort out a lot of these issues is declaring all out war with North Korea. That’ll give the millenials and post millenials a chance to show off their bravery.


This is very sad, RIP.


Was this as a result of the long term injuries she got? Or something different.

Says she suffered a stroke, so I’d say that was a result of the brain injuries she endured.

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It was actually her own 21st that they were at.

An absolute tragedy.
