January Transfer Window 2021

The guy who was fronting it before Mubarak was a complete bell end and is responsible for a lot of the ill will legacy to this day.

Theyā€™ve done a real good job in the community once they got their shit together. The whitewashing has been a great success for the most part. As murderous regiemes go, city got a good one.

David Silva to join Lazio on a free, should be a decent signing for them.

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Arrivederci El Mago :slightly_frowning_face:

Serie A seems to be the new Dubai for retiring footballers.


Serie A is the home for cerebral footballers.

The EPL is the home for juicing athletes.

LA zio Galaxy



Serie A is the league where a club convicted of match fixing subsequently win 9 league titles in a row and nobody bats an eyelid.

Thanks for posting up posts from a few years back from a different poster.

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Itā€™s easy to dope in England as they donā€™t have a testing regime.

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And yet Rio fucked it up.


That goes to show you the culture in England.

Plus Rio is dumb as fuck.