Jeremy Corbyn he's in the SA

Itā€™s a real opportunity for Republicanism to get real agin. The dismantling of the UK is happening before our very eyes, all of their own doing I might add. The tories will lose their base support in the occupied 6 and Labour will lose the support they have in Scotland. Even the welsh are kicking up. The peace loving supporters of a 32 county Irish republic need to ensure they are prepared, not sure if Mary Lou has the gravitas required

Jezza Jezza Jezza


ā€œdonā€™t worry lads, the unionā€™s not safe with meā€


Jeremy Corbyn has tonight claimed that Hitler didnā€™t want to exterminate the Jews

Even I canā€™t defend this one

Heā€™s fucked

Is this an @Sidney exclusive?
The head of Channel 4 told the world Bojo and his ilk are outright liars today.
Makes sense as they are hellbent on Being Trumps lackies

Sorry, I got confused between Jeremy Corbyn and Benjamin Netanyahu

Easy mistake to make

Turns out Corbyn didnā€™t say any such thing

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Seriously?ah right.

Letā€™s face it, everyone in Europe wanted rid of the Jews
Even in Limerick
Nobody in Europe stood up for them, happy to send them to their deaths
and now, a few million of them left, they are not justified to defend themselvesā€¦

What a bunch of Jew hating fascists Europeans are at their core.

President Trump is the only man that defends the Jewish community. He is the King of the Jews

Better than the lad who never showed up for the second coming.

The Jews killed Christ.

Log into your own personal padded thread, pal

And stop being such an anti-Semite

Davidsons departure will cost the tories at least 10 seats in Scotland, quite possibly the lot. Clarky is on board now too, the stars are aligning for Jezza, Once that lib dem lovie can see the wood from her tits the masterplan is almost complete

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Thereā€™s a decent chance francie molloy could be the next pm. An open goal for sinn fein if they play their cards right


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Jeremy Corbyn 1/9/2019 This country needs a general election now, the Tories have no mandate, unelected leader, a coup, undemocratic, etc, etc. Ive been calling for a GE for months on end

Jeremy Corbyn 4/9/2019 Eh no, actually, letā€™s not have a general election right now

Corbyn doesnā€™t want an election now as support for Labour has dropped alarmingly since January, now effectively joint second with Lib Dems. If Labour had any balls they would ditch this simpleton and his 19th century socialist agenda, as the British public have figured out that however bad Brexit might be, a Corbyn government would result in economic destruction.

Christ above :smile:

Do you really think the British electorate are stupid enough to trust someone who thinks the Chavez/Maduro experiment in Venezuela has been a resounding success?

@flattythehurdler will be paying 80% tax

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