Joe Duffy's Liveline

The shops in Ratoath are battening down the hatches as we speak. There is nothing worse than an angry mob of brides to be, nobody is safe. :slight_smile:

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fyp :wink:

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Katie Hannon is filling in for Joe. Mike from Kerry is filleting her on USA matters. Mike’s been there of course, a retired cop living in Glenflesk. The cheeky fucker then asked her for 2 tickets for the replay.
Mike struck me as a narcissistic oul’ bollocks who’d drive you nuts on a long train journey.
A staunch Trumpeter as well.


Standard liveline caller so. :slight_smile:

I heard him too. He had her saying millin instead of million for a finish.

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Did you hear him give the poor mouth to Katie about posh Listowel and we have nothing down here in Glenfesk. Top class.

Katie isn’t from Listowel

She told Mike on air she was from Listowel.

She affirmed to the mouthy Yank that she was from Listowel before the qualifying line:

" Duagh actually ".

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I’m hearing Dessie Long will be on today

The topic is coming up now

The Ra are kicking off on Joe now …

Must listen back

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I assume the usual suspects were on? Ann Travers, Moany Stack etc etc

When is funny Friday?

Usually. Friday before bank holiday .

Isn’t one of the funny Friday lads a sex pest now.

Funny Friday was last Thursday!(from the ploughing)

That was about the funniest part of it!

Funnily enough the most recent one was last Thursday from the ploughing. It’s a kind of moveable feast like Easter but it’s more often than not on the last Friday of the month.
In other related news we’ve probably heard the last " funny input " from Syl Fox.

Sly Fux