Joe Duffy's Liveline

Jaysus. Tough station for this lady.
Husband dropped dead in June at 51. Oldest child is 18, has lymphoma and youngest has special needs. Two other kids have autism.

We have little to worry about.

Kinvara woman @KinvarasPassion. She’s a Dub and her husband was Gerry.

Anyone on moaning about the pubs being shut?

Nobody. Bank of Ireland cyber crime and that lady

Fontaines DC piece now. One of members is a nephew of RTE producer Margaret Curley

They are on now. Number 1 album in UK

Fair play to them I begrudge them nothing. However I think that music has turned into a massive hype industry employing a lot of people and for the last few years they’ve had very little to hype.

I hope that success is good for them.

I wonder will Joe do a piece tomorrow on the Whitmore bint now being a recruitment officer for the Brit imperial forces? Turning it into a ‘feminist’ issue is peak 2020 bollox.

If a child of mine went to join the brit forces, they be written out of the will immediately.


Your average Joe Duffy listener wouldn’t be capable of joining the dots

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That’s somewhat offensive to the multitudes of Joe’s listeners whom, I’d imagine, are in the retired, comfortable bracket. Joe provides a service that’s appreciated, in the main, by the likes of myself.
Granted, occasionally, the ubiquitous Brenda and Nuala take a foray from their alternate platform to bend Joe’s ear, where they’re given a soothing “Wow” from the host and their day appears to be made.
The Grey brigade are well able to join the dots, never underestimate that fact.


I accept and apologise. I could have phrased it better. But I would be surprised if it was high on the list of priorities of his listenership

No need for the apology lad, I wasn’t offended. I was just chiding you gently to let you know your spell as a cossetted species is over and you’re subject to the occasional kick from time to time. Good to know you’re fit and well, the women have you spoiled…


Good post

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Joe brought the Dublin mint office to its knees a few weeks ago. He’s gunning for the BOI now

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How many fools were parted with their money in total?

By the mint office or boi?

BOI scam ( not BOI )

27,795 to date. *

  • May not be absolutely 100% accurate.

Dunno what the figures are but. There must be the bo es of 50k gone with whartd after ringing in

Absolute goms

I agree while we all know what banks are like from listening to people on it they were naive to put it politely. My own daughter who is 17 got one of the messages a few weeks ago and had the cop to ask me what to do rather than blindly following their instruction.

The text message came in the existing text message chain from BOI. Under payment services directive you are not liable unless grossly negligent - is responding to a text message grossly negligent given BOI do use them to communicate

My mother got a text from PTSB the other day from the same number they’ve sent previous texts about fraud alerts or whatever. It’s a miracle she didn’t click on the link or whatever they were asking her to do.
Snakey fuckers them boys