Joe Duffy's Liveline

What’s the number?


Forum stalwart @caulifloweredneanderthal has just been on there. He was out running between Carlingford and Dundalk this morning when a buzzard swooped and split his skull with it’s talons. Protecting a nest Cauli thinks.

Fógra…Those Nordie birds are dangerous fuckers.

I used to live not far from where that happened actually, but sadly no run for me today pal :frowning:

How long does Joe take off during the summer?

Not long enough

Segment on Catfishing from today’s show. The internet is serious business😂

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Was Joe hosting the show or is he still on his holidays touring graveyards?

Katie Hannon in the caretaker role.

She’s a serious upgrade on the sanctimonious cunt.

Katie is a great bit of stuff on liveline. She should get the gig full time

Max got done up like a kipper the dirty old cunt

Joe is awol. Damian O’Reilly has the tiller.
Jessica, an actress, is in her 50’s and has nowhere to live. She’s house-surfing from pal to pal but is now at her wits end. She can’t afford rent never mind a mortgage were she to secure one (unlikely).
This catastrophe is everyone else’s fault. Jessica swanned around in her more sprightly years without paying attention to the fact that she’d need somewhere to live at this stage of her life.
A free house or 1 bed apartment would make Jessica happy.
Cue more aggrieved supporters on moaning and whining. Snowflakes all over the shop.

This country is awash with entitled arseholes looking for freebies and you, the taxpayer are to blame.


Does Jess want to live in Dublin City Centre ??

Has Jessica applied to a local authority to go on a housing list? It takes a lot of time but it is truly a wonderful system.

Go on a HOUSING LIST…….this is Jessica the distressed actress who’s been thwarted from house ownership by assorted Governments, landlords, speculators, vulture funds etc and they’re all greedy grabbing arms of the same octopus. A housing list is what ordinary struggling peasants join.*

Jessica feels leafy (insert area) is her entitlement. Living with folk from a housing list isn’t her style.

  • Jessica wouldn’t be familiar with activities at the mid/lower end of the spectrum.
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I’m not sure @anon67715551, I’d imagine if Jessica is in her mid fifties and has been an actress for a while then she is well used to living in below par accommodation and cutting her cloth etc… unless she was on a trust fund or something, which seems unlikely.

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She’s been on the housing list for 10 years. Cc @anon67715551

She sounded like a decent owl skin in a very precarious situation and nothing like our Leitrim correspondent was trying to paint her up as. Plenty of people make what look like poor career choices in the rear view mirror.


No fear the super cunt would even contemplate leaving Dublin. :rage:

Why would she move away from her work? That would be madness.

Her “work” might be part of the problem.

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